help with git commit

Norbert Thiebaud nthiebaud at
Sun Jun 10 14:18:58 PDT 2012

On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Olivier Hallot
<olivier.hallot at> wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to commit a xml file with blank lines inserted for readbility.
> When I issue the git commit, it complains empty lines are a no-no.

Empty line are not a no-no... trailing spaces are.

> dictionaries/pt_BR/description.xml:69:         If not you may provide it
> manually if you like.
> * trailing whitespace (line 74)
> dictionaries/pt_BR/description.xml:74:

most good editor have a way to highlight theses... and to remove theses quickly

> Is there a way to override this feature?
yes, but this this should absolutely _NOT_ be used...
for one thing, bypassing the hook means that the commit won't get a ChangeId
and then it probably means that you are doing something wrong, or that
the hook need fixing... either way hide the problem under the carpet
in _not_ a solution.


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