DocumentLoader Error

Tor Lillqvist tml at
Wed Jun 13 05:58:50 PDT 2012

> E/lo-bootstrap(32001): lo_apkentry: File assets/program/unorc is compressed
> E/lo-bootstrap(32001): lo_apkentry: File assets/rc is compressed

That's the key here, the files in assets should not be compressed
because the code (in sal/android/lo-bootstrap.c, used from LO code in
sal/osl/unx) that reads them expects them to be usable as such, part
of the memory-mapped .apk file.

This is a fatal error, I think, I probably should change lo_apkentry()
to just quit if it notices that a file that the code wants to read is
compressed in the .apk.

The build.xml file in the DocumentLoader directory re-defines the
"-package-resources" Ant target (originally from somewhere in the SDK)
so that no so-called resources (files in assets or res/raw) are
compressed in the .apk.

Are you perhaps using a different build.xml without this modification,
or did you build DocumentLoader using Eclipse, and that then didn't
use build.xml? Hopefully there is some way in Eclipse, too, to achieve
the same. (Sorry; I haven't really used Eclipse.)


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