fdo 50950 make (ISO)WEEKNUM comply with ODFF1.2, advise asked

Winfried Donkers W.Donkers at dci-electronics.nl
Wed Jun 20 02:45:08 PDT 2012

Hi Eike,

I just uploaded a diff file and test document to bug50950.
The ODFF1.2-compliant functions work and I would like some help from you with importing old-style formulas from documents saved with previous LibO versions.
Your plan from June 7 (see below) seems clear to me, but I don't know where the import formula complier is located and how to best change it.

>* during import's formula compile step for ISOWEEKNUM check if a second

>  argument is provided

>  * if so and if it is a constant value !=1 strip the argument (the

>    Monday case that was and is real ISO 8601)

>  * if it is a constant value ==1 map the function to WEEKNUM

>    * there's a slight chance that a user wanted exactly the behavior

>      "ISO but Sunday" resulting from the current undocumented

>      implementation details, which isn't supported by ODF WEEKNUM

>      definition, but I think that should be a very rare case, if at

>      all, and is neglectable

>  * if it is not a constant (i.e. computed) argument do nothing and let

>    the interpreter complain about the second parameter


>I may have to help you with the compiler internals, give me a heads-up when you're stuck there.

Also, I have not done anything yet about MS Office/Lotus/Qpro import/export limitations.

I look forward to your hint(s)/advise/nit-picking of my code :)


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