Cleaning bug list

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at
Thu Jun 21 23:32:55 PDT 2012

On 06/21/2012 10:51 PM, Michael Stahl wrote:
> On 21/06/12 21:32, bfo wrote:
>> Disagree. It is a page for bug reporters. I really like the gerrit migration
>> and would like to see it integrated with Bugzilla. Also always precommit
>> hooks can be implemented if developers tend to forget to put a bug number
>> into a commit message. I already stumbled upon UNCONFIRMED bugs which have
>> been fixed already and suddenly changed into RESOLVED FIXED. I would like to
>> know what is going on with the bugs at any moment.
> such a precommit hook doesn't work so well.  there are lots of commits
> that do cleanups, refactorings, fix build breakers, etc. none of which
> have or need a bug id.
> in the OOo project there was a policy that every commit include a bug
> id, and the result was that all of these build breaker fixes used the
> same notorious #i10000# number, which doesn't help anybody., it (together with the CWS process, but the bug ID requirement 
alone was often reason enough to "just not bother to do it") prevented 
small "drive-by" fixes and enhancements from going into the code base. 
The much lower overhead (esp. for accepted committers) in LO is IMO one 
of the big benefits over the old OOo.

> i've sometimes found bugs that were already fixed on master, but in the
> vast majority of the cases the author of the commit was not aware of the
> bug, i.e. the bug was a almost-but-not-exactly duplicate of the bug the
> author mentioned, or the author had a bug in a non-fdo tracker, or it
> was just something the author found themselves or whatever.

This happens to me regularly.  Even though I try to keep an overview of 
bugzilla, I often only learn later that there actually was a bugzilla 
bug for something I just fixed because I had stumbled upon it independently.


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