Java macros and on Mac OSX

Alexander Thurgood alex.thurgood at
Fri Mar 23 02:37:47 PDT 2012

Hi all,

There seems to be a problem with component registration of the Java
macro scripting component registration in on Mac OSX.

If you fire up LO, then Tools > Macro > Run Macro :
1) Scroll down the list of macros to "Memory Usage"
2) Enter the folder, and only 1 entry is present (the beanshell script).
3) In the corresponding folder of the app,


memoryusage.jar is actually present, so it is not being shown in the UI.

If you try to execute the macro from the console :

You get a UI error message :

LibreOffice Error
A script structure error has occurred when executing the Java
MemoryUsage.MemoryUsage.updateMemoryUsage script.

Message : The scripting language Java is not supported.

If I compare this to 3.3.4, for example, I can select the script
directly from the UI list of macros, and it will run. I haven't compared
to 3.4.x or 3.5.0 or even master (yet).

Will open a bug report.


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