[REVIEW 3-5] fdo#49208 ridiculous performance on certain .doc

Caolán McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Tue May 1 08:43:33 PDT 2012

The .doc has some paragraphs in it that are around the 64k length mark.
It doesn't *look* like that's the case because they end in vast quantity
of whitespace and writer implements the word-compatibility thing to let
empty spaces disappear off the right side of the page rather than wrap.

Turns out to be a good test case for our break iterators, couple of
problems, squashed together as attachment

We create an icu string twice, once to compare it to a cached one, and
the second time to replace the cache if different

Better to index into a string instead of copying when "character"

icu's string compare is very very slow when you just want to check for

and assume that a space doesn't combine with anything in any exotic way
to form a single grapheme


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