fdo#34814 - Importing doc with fonts unavailable on the system

Lubos Lunak l.lunak at suse.cz
Fri May 4 07:11:44 PDT 2012


 I've been looking at fdo#34814 and I know what the problem is, but I'm not 
sure how that should be fixed.

 The problem is that the document imported uses Wingdings (2) as the fonts for 
bullet points, but that's a Windows font that is not available on Linux. The 
attached workaround somehow makes LO handle it correctly, by knowing that the 
font is RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL and using the matching Linux font. And the 
document includes this information, but the .docx importer does not seem to 
do anything with font data in the document, and AFAICT there is no support 
for handling unavailable fonts except for immediately trying to map them to 
something that exists.

 Am I right about this? And is there some way how to make Writer know about 
fonts that do not exist on the system but the document uses them? Sadly 
the .docx importer is UNO-based, so I cannot easily handle the fonts in the 
importer and call SetBulletFont().

 Lubos Lunak
 l.lunak at suse.cz
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