[PUSHED:3-5] fdo#48070 fix parsing of arc paths

Petr Mladek pmladek at suse.cz
Mon May 14 05:47:29 PDT 2012

Christina Roßmanith píše v Pá 11. 05. 2012 v 22:05 +0200:
> Hi,
> I've changed lcl_importNumberAndSpaces to lcl_importFlagAndSpaces 
> because it is only used to import flags (single digit). Values != 0 or 
> =! 1 return false as does a '-'. Now missing white space between flags 
> isn't a problem any longer.
> commit 508fcf698ec7cd97af1eb8936ab30b257143bc1b

Great catch!

I would go even slightly forward. I see the following at

--- cut ---
    "0" | "1"
--- cut ---

If I am not mistaken, only the "0" and "1" digits are allowed. Thus also "+"
sign should be ignored. I have handled this by the commit:


It works fine, looks correct, so I have pushed it into 3-5 branch. I
squashed both commits into one, see

Thanks a lot for nailing it down.

Best Regards,

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