feature/gbuild_merge needs testing

Tor Lillqvist tml at iki.fi
Sun May 27 23:52:11 PDT 2012

> There is a GUI tool for examining various aspects of DLLs, including
> list of exported functions. It is called dllviewer or something like
> that. (And it is possible there is already a tool for that in the
> system.)

Of course; link.exe's -dump option corresponds in functionality to the
GNU tool-chain's objdump and readelf. It's part of the MSVC toolchain.
not normally in PATH, but config_host.mk adds the necessary
directories to PATH, so one can run:

make cmd="link -dump -exports foo.dll" cmd

(or make cmd=bash cmd, and then interactively run link, directing
output to less, etc).


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