how to use libreoffice library if not use UNO?

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at
Wed May 30 01:07:50 PDT 2012

On Wed, 2012-05-30 at 10:02 +0800, engine spot wrote:
>     I am a newbie for libreoffice , I know if I want to custom a
> plugin , I need to use UNO , but when I use it , I find that it will
> boot a libreoffice instance , so my question is , can I use
> libreoffice directly , such as use sw library , but not boot a
> libreoffice instance? like poi(

	As Tor says - not really; on the other hand - there is no real reason
why the soffice infrastructure cannot be loaded safely into your process
& execute there beyond a ton of UNO bootstrapping pain.

	If you want to work on making that easy to do, that'd be appreciated I
think :-) Failing that, writing your code as an extension and triggering
soffice to execute that (perhaps with some on-load signal) might be a
grotesque but workable half-way-house.

	All the best,


michael.meeks at  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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