gbuild, deps and ccache

Bjoern Michaelsen bjoern.michaelsen at
Fri Nov 9 06:19:30 PST 2012


On Fri, Nov 09, 2012 at 02:45:45PM +0100, Michael Stahl wrote:
> please argue more convincingly why we need this.

I just tried to get convincing numbers with a reproducable scenario, but cant.

But I an certain to have seen cache misses going up during a build when they
shouldnt, as since Rene saw that too, I dont think I am seeing phantoms.
Another sideeffect of the measurement is that we know that dep-checking costs
~30 seconds for a dev-install.

Anyway, I will try to hunt down that ghost next time I see it.



These are my results (make clean && dev-install, measuring the second run):
with deps:
cache hit (direct)                  8663
cache hit (preprocessed)              41
cache miss                          8672
called for link                      880
called for preprocessing             164
compile failed                        30
preprocessor error                    20
bad compiler arguments                18
unsupported source language            2
autoconf compile/link                206
unsupported compiler option         1292
no input file                        148
files in cache                     25955
cache size                           1.2 Gbytes
max cache size                       6.0 Gbytes
3 min 51 sec

without deps:
cache directory                     /home/bjoern/.ccache_upstream-master/
cache hit (direct)                  8692
cache hit (preprocessed)              12
cache miss                          8672
called for link                      880
called for preprocessing             164
compile failed                        30
preprocessor error                    20
bad compiler arguments                18
unsupported source language            2
autoconf compile/link                206
unsupported compiler option         1292
no input file                        140
files in cache                     17472
cache size                         916.8 Mbytes
max cache size                       6.0 Gbytes
cache directory                     /home/bjoern/.ccache_upstream-master/
cache hit (direct)                  8692
cache hit (preprocessed)              12
cache miss                          8672
called for link                      880
called for preprocessing             164
compile failed                        30
preprocessor error                    20
bad compiler arguments                18
unsupported source language            2
autoconf compile/link                206
unsupported compiler option         1292
no input file                        140
files in cache                     17472
cache size                         916.8 Mbytes
max cache size                       6.0 Gbytes
3 min 20 sec

build with empty ccache:
18 min

./ --disable-mozilla --disable-binfilter --disable-odk
--disable-postgresql-sdbc --disable-gnome-vfs --without-help
--disable-zenity --with-system-libs --without-doxygen --without-system-vigra
--without-system-sane --without-system-orcus --disable-extensions
--disable-ext-report-builder --disable-scripting-beanshell

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