Bug 46808

José Guilherme Vanz guilherme.sft at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 19:42:59 PST 2012

Hi, Everybody!

I'm analizing some things new to do and I started to do this bug:

Well, When I was working in some sources I found something like this:
published service PropertySet
    interface com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet;

    [optional] interface com::sun::star::beans::XFastPropertySet;
    [optional] interface com::sun::star::beans::XMultiPropertySet;
    [optional] interface com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyAccess;
    [optional] interface com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyState;


The bug's description guides to do something like that:

service Foo { interface XBar; };

Transform for:

service Foo: XBar;

In this case, what I do with [optional] when transform for new style? Where
could I find more documentation of .idl files?

Att. José Guilherme Vanz
"Se você é capaz de tremer de indignação cada vez que se comete uma
injustiça no mundo, então somos companheiros" - Che Guevara
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