bundled saxon considered harmful

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at suse.com
Thu Oct 4 02:14:00 PDT 2012

On Wed, 2012-10-03 at 10:40 +0200, David Tardon wrote:
> It has always bothered me (and other package maintainers too) that we
> have to bundle saxon*[2] just because of something that is most probably
> never used.

	Yep - sounds annoying; it'd be nice to drop the 5Mb of jar file
duplicated by all those downloads :-)

> I propose that we change the saxon-based transformer into an extension
> and then drop it from our codebase. The first step has already been done
> on branch feature/kill-saxon. The other step requires to answer the
> question "where to put it?" There are two possibilities:

	And how/who builds and up-loads it is of interest to me; should we have
these extensions built and up-loaded by some automated mechanism in our
release process ? with some account that has widely known credentials -
so there is no single point of failure ? or do they feasibly change so
infrequently that there is no problem :-)

	Either way - sounds like a very good idea to me - nice work !



michael.meeks at suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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