Options included in CC/CXX vs. in gb_CFLAGS/gb_CXXFLAGS

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at redhat.com
Thu Sep 20 00:08:13 PDT 2012

On 09/20/2012 08:48 AM, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
> I think there is some fuzziness about what compiler options should be
> part of the CC/CXX variables and what should be in
> In some cases, like my Mac build tree that uses the 10.4 SDK, from
> Xcode 3 installed in /Xcode3, gb_CXXFLAGS contains at least one flag
> that apparently *must* be used for also external projects (well,
> liborcus in particular) to compile successfully.  This is the
> -isysroot from solenv/gbuild/platform/macosx.mk.
> In other cases ("normal" Linuxes?) gb_CXXFLAGS contains just optional
> flags that will in fact hurt an external project that isn't prepared
> for them, like -Werror.
> Should the -isysroot flag actually be part ot CC/CXX, not gb_CXXFLAGS?
> Should configure.in and macosx.mk be modified thusly?

I think there has traditionally not been much consistency in this area 
in OOo.  Originally, I think this was exclusively handled via "flags 
variables" (and re-crafting similar such variables for passing to 
external projects, with values more or less similar to the primary OOo 
variables).  Much cruft here also stems from the fact that Sun's 
internal OOo build environment required lots of overrides (as builds on 
arbitrary machines used a centralized toolchain instead of a local one), 
and this was typically achieved with ad-hoc fixes instead of a truly 
principled approach.

That said, your rule of when to put something into CC/CXX vs. 
gb_CXXFLAGS etc. sounds good to me.


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