Bug 42796 - Macro assigned to dataform Before Unload or While Unloading events are not called when form container is closed

Jan Holesovsky kendy at suse.cz
Thu Apr 4 02:08:54 PDT 2013

Hi Alex,

mcmurchy1917-libreoffice at yahoo.co.uk píše v St 27. 03. 2013 v 09:46

> I've fallen foul of this bug in recent days so have decided to have a
> look at it to see if I can provide a patch.

Thank you for the offer of help! :-)  Unfortunately this is not familiar
to me, so I would have to debug that myself first to find out what is
going on.  But I'm CCing Noel and Lionel - macros are Noel's area, and
databases Lionel's; hopefully they will be able to show you the

> It's been around since November 2011 so possibly no one's looked at it
> recently. 
> In the bug report it was confirmed that a macro assigned to either the
> Before Unloading or When Unloading events of a dataform are not called
> when the form document is closed.
> However, when editing a form and the "Design Mode" option is toggled
> the events are called. Also the events when the form is loaded are
> called under all circumstances.
> So hopefully here should be enough clues there to provide a solution.
> As I haven't provided a patch for a couple of year might take me some
> time to get back into the swing of things.
> If anyone has any suggestions as to where to look fist it would be
> gratefully appreciated.

All the best,

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