build failure

Winfried Donkers W.Donkers at
Fri Apr 5 03:58:55 PDT 2013

 Hi Michael,

> 	:-) any chance of:
> 	cd helpcompiler
> 	make
> 	which should show all the include paths for that compilation, and
> then I guess we should be able to easily see the missing -I/path/ line needed.

S=/home/w.donkers/git/libo && O=$S/solver/unxlngi6 && W=$S/workdir/unxlngi6 &&  mkdir -p $W/ExternalHeaders/Executable/ && touch $W/ExternalHeaders/Executable/HelpIndexer && mkdir -p $W/LinkTarget/pdb/Executable/
S=/home/w.donkers/git/libo && O=$S/solver/unxlngi6 && W=$S/workdir/unxlngi6 &&  mkdir -p $W/Headers/Executable/ && touch $W/Headers/Executable/HelpIndexer
[build CXX] helpcompiler/source/HelpLinker.cxx
S=/home/w.donkers/git/libo && O=$S/solver/unxlngi6 && W=$S/workdir/unxlngi6 &&  mkdir -p $W/CxxObject/helpcompiler/source/ $W/Dep/CxxObject/helpcompiler/source/ && cd /home/w.donkers/git/libo &&  /usr/bin/ccache g++ -DCPPU_ENV=gcc3 -DDBG_UTIL -DINTEL -DLIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY -DLINUX -DOSL_DEBUG_LEVEL=1 -DSAL_LOG_INFO -DSAL_LOG_WARN -DSOLAR_JAVA -DSUPD=410 -DUNIX -DUNX -DX86 -D_DEBUG -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG -D_PTHREADS -D_REENTRANT  -DRTL_USING   -DL10N_DLLIMPLEMENTATION -DHELPLINKER_DLLIMPLEMENTATION  -DHAVE_CXX0X  -DSYSTEM_LIBXML   -DHAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY_FEATURE -fvisibility=hidden   -Wall -Wendif-labels -Wextra -Wundef -Wunused-macros -fmessage-length=0 -fno-common -pipe  -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fPIC -Wshadow -Woverloaded-virtual  -Wnon-virtual-dtor -std=gnu++0x  -DEXCEPTIONS_ON -fexceptions -O0 -ggdb2 -finline-limit=0 -fno-inline -fno-default-inline  -c $S/helpcompiler/source/HelpLinker.cxx -o $W/CxxObject/helpcompiler/source/HelpLinker.o -MMD -MT $W/CxxObject/helpcompiler/source/HelpLinker.o -MP -MF $W/Dep/CxxObject/helpcompiler/source/HelpLinker.d_ -I$S/helpcompiler/source/ -I$O/inc/external/expat -I$W/UnpackedTarball/boost  -I$O/inc/external -I$O/inc -I$S/solenv/inc  -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk/include -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk/include/linux -I$S/config_host  -I$W/UnoApiHeadersTarget/udkapi/normal -I$W/UnoApiHeadersTarget/offapi/normal    -I/usr/include/libxml2     -I/usr/include/libxml2     && mv $W/Dep/CxxObject/helpcompiler/source/HelpLinker.d_ $W/Dep/CxxObject/helpcompiler/source/HelpLinker.d
/home/w.donkers/git/libo/helpcompiler/source/HelpLinker.cxx:38:19: fatal error: expat.h: Bestand of map bestaat niet [File or directory does not exist]
compilation terminated.
make: *** [/home/w.donkers/git/libo/workdir/unxlngi6/CxxObject/helpcompiler/source/HelpLinker.o] Fout 1 [Error 1]

Translations in [] ;)

> 	Does that help ? and/or poking on IRC would be good.

Well, I'm not so good with untangling make output, so before I start poking on IRC, I have pasted the out to the list.
I would expect that if a path is missing/incorrect, git would complain that the make file is not the as on master.


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