moving global headers into one top-level location

Michael Stahl mstahl at
Tue Apr 9 14:54:07 PDT 2013

On 05/04/13 17:54, Lubos Lunak wrote:
>> - makes the separation between a 'public' header and a module-private one
>> more explicit
>  Now only if this separation currently wasn't rather confused on its own. E.g. 
> Writer has a number of public and module-private headers, yet I doubt there's 
> anything outside of Writer actually using any of that.

public headers are in $MODULE/inc/$MODULE/ currently.

Writer has zero public headers, no code in a different module includes
anything from sw/.  there is however a distinction between headers in
sw/inc used in all 3 "parts" of Writer (sw/source/*) vs. just one of
them (sw/source/*/inc).

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