[PROPOSAL] enable gerrit buildbot trigger for all in group commiter

Norbert Thiebaud nthiebaud at gmail.com
Sun Apr 21 17:02:29 PDT 2013

On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Bjoern Michaelsen
<bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com> wrote:
> Opinions?

as of now the only way to do that is to give buildbot admin ACL and to
use a command line to schedule build...

The intent was to find a way to trigger these semi-automatically using
the gerrit web gui... at which point yes everyone being in the
commiter group would have been able to schedule a build.

How to do that in the GUI is not settle... there are different
solutions considered but the most attractive one would require to be
able to upstream patches to gerrit itself. ( bear in mind that one of
the very basic rule is that our gerrit muct be able to function with a
vanilla gerrit and that we should be able to operate even if the
plugins(s) become unavailable. iow if for some reason gerrit plugin
does not work or fail to load, we should still be able to
review/commit patches... and not have the whole gerrit system

a less sexy alternative is to trigger based on +1 review from a
committer. but of course that would be too much as we can't deal with
that many build yet.

a more hackish solution would be to teach buildbot to triggger on a
comment from a committer that contain some magic words...
iow a committer would do a revew +1 with, for example @schedule@ in a
the text of the comment.

either way we also need to present the current buidlbot build queue in
a page of gerrit's web... so that people can monitor how deep is the


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