fdo 37341 MAXRECURSION reached in ScFormulaCell::Interpret

Winfried Donkers W.Donkers at dci-electronics.nl
Sun Aug 4 23:30:35 PDT 2013

Hi Kohei,
> > As you seem to be the expert on formulacell.cxx and the (Back)Solver()
> code, I hope you can shed some light on this problem.
> I'm afraid I cannot.
> To be brutally honest, I wouldn't debug this without first moving this code
> out of ScInterpreter and into a place like ScDocument::Solver() without those
> pesky temporary formula cell and temporary formula expression creation
> steps.  That's basically the strategy I first advised.  The current code is mixing
> recursion and iteration together, which is a recipe for trouble.  There is no
> way you can debug this and stay sane.  I would go nuts if I were forced to
> debug this code in its current form.
> So, I would still stick with my original advice, and recommend we move this
> code out of the interpreter.

Thanks for your advise.
I don't want to lose more sanity than I already have lost, so I'll start by moving code.


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