[PATCH] fdo#68346 Expose font name to Accessibility bridge

Niklas Johansson sleeping.pillow at gmail.com
Sun Aug 25 11:30:52 PDT 2013

I did some testing with some swing classes and they seem to expose the 
font name as the text attribute called fontfamily. This patch makes 
LibreOffice do the same. A quick test with JavaMonkey shows that it 
works. There are still some issues with other text attributes, such as 
indents being reported as zero regardless of the actual indentation. I 
probably won't have time to look into that in the near feature but if it 
is still an issue I hope I'll get more time to look into it later this 

Niklas Johansson

Niklas Johansson skrev 2013-08-22 21:01:
> Hi
> At the moment the text attribute Font family is exposed as Monospaced 
> or Porportional. I've looked at some java examples (example programs) 
> and seen that they seem to expose the font name as the text attribute 
> font family. Does anybody know if it is correct to expose the font 
> name here. It feels a lot more informative to get the font name then 
> knowing if the font is mono spaced or proportional.
> I've been able to build a version that exposes the font name. But I 
> wanted to hear if somebody knows if it is correct/incorrect before I 
> prepare the patch.

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