Strange loop in SwDoc::GetExtTextInput

Michael Stahl mstahl at
Tue Aug 27 05:15:38 PDT 2013

On 26/08/13 12:55, Matteo Casalin wrote:
> Hi all,
>       I stumbled upon the following loop [1] on a Ring, which seems 
> wrong to me:
> SwExtTextInput* pTmp = (SwExtTextInput*)mpExtInputRing;
> do {
>      //
>      // do something that does not modify pTmp nor mpExtInputRing
>      //
> } while( mpExtInputRing != (pTmp = (SwExtTextInput*)mpExtInputRing ) );
> from my understanding it processes just mpExtInputRing item and then 
> exits. I think that it should be something like:
> do {
>      //
>      // do something
>      //
>      pTmp = (SwExtTextInput*)pTmp->GetNext();
> } while( pTmp!=mpExtInputRing );
> Am I missing something, is the loop to to be fixed as suggested of to be 
> removed completely?

i think you are completely right, although i don't know why that
extended-input stuff would bother with rings in the first place - does
anybody really use input methods in multiple places simultaneously, or
what is the point of that?

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