Langpack FR 4.1 for OSX applescript launched mdfind scans whole disk from root folder

Alexander Thurgood alex.thurgood at
Thu Aug 29 07:38:32 PDT 2013

Le 29/08/13 15:33, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :

Hi Christian,

Well, there is something really strange going on and I can't nail it down.

I just tried re-starting the langpack installation for 4.1.0 - this time
it didn't stall, but it didn't display the successful installation
dialog either.

So I shut it down again, unmounted the image, remounted the image and
re-installed the langpack again. This time I got the "installation
successful" dialog at the end.

Bizarre, bizarre.

Also, 4.1.1 langpack FR seems to install seamlessly now.

In the 4.1.1 dmg :
set found_ooos_all to ""
-- command might return an error if spotlight is disabled completely
	set found_ooos_all to (do shell script "mdfind \"kMDItemContentType ==
'' && kMDItemDisplayName == 'LibreOffice*'
&& kMDItemDisplayName != 'LibreOffice Language'\"")
end try
set found_ooos_all to found_ooos_all & "
" & chooseMyOwn

set found_ooos_all_paragraphs to paragraphs in found_ooos_all

set found_ooos to {}
repeat with currentApp in found_ooos_all_paragraphs
	if currentApp does not start with "/Volumes" then
		copy currentApp to the end of found_ooos
	end if
end repeat

In the 4.1.0 dmg :
set the found_ooos_all to (do shell script "mdfind \"kMDItemContentType
== '' && kMDItemDisplayName ==
'LibreOffice*' && kMDItemDisplayName != 'LibreOffice Language'\"") & "
" & chooseMyOwn

set found_ooos_all_paragraphs to paragraphs in found_ooos_all

set found_ooos to {}
repeat with currentApp in found_ooos_all_paragraphs
	if currentApp does not start with "/Volumes" then
		copy currentApp to the end of found_ooos
	end if
end repeat

So there is definitely a difference in the scripts between 4.1.0 and
4.1.1, where 4.1.0 doesn't contain the try block.


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