Bug #47065

Jan Holesovsky kendy at suse.cz
Mon Feb 4 05:30:04 PST 2013

Hi José,

José Guilherme Vanz píše v Ne 03. 02. 2013 v 16:36 -0200:

> I am interested to try to resolve the bug #47065. It is assigned to
> Benoit, but I don't see any news since it was assigned. Can I try
> solve it?

Glad to see you hacking on this! :-)  No, I don't think Benoit is
working on it, please go ahead.

Regarding your question in the bug - LO has its own threading API, you
can use class Thread from sal/inc/osl/thread.hxx


You basically want to derive your class SomeGoodNameThread: class Thread
{}; where you overload the virtual run(); method.

For synchronization, see sal/inc/osl/mutex.hxx and

Should you have any more questions, please write me (and CC the mailing
list, of course).

All the best,

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