minutes of ESC call ...

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at suse.com
Thu Feb 21 08:00:28 PST 2013

* Present:
	+ Andras, Joel, Thorsten, Stephan, Michael S, Markus,
	  Michael M, Bjoern, Petr, Cedric, Norbert, Astron, Lionel

* Completed Action Items
	+ push updated branding for 4.0.1 RC1; send TDF branded
	  versions out to ESC list (Astron)
	+ get LotusLive / CMIS fixes in (need review) (Michael)
	+ gerrit messaging politeness improvements (Norbert)
	+ 32bit and 64bit RHEL5 tinderboxen setup (Caolan)
	+ create/request mail alias for certification (Bjoern)
	+ poke marketing wrt. announcing dis-continuation of 3.5.x (Petr)
	+ check RHEL5 dbus-glib / bluez bits for bluetooth (Caolan)

* Pending Action Items
	+ tweak default assignee / mail alias to include 'un-assigned@' (Joel)
	+ ping Marc wrt. creatign a page with certified consultants in
	  alphabetical order with rates etc. (Joel)
	+ poke docs team wrt. writing off-line help for impress-remote (Thorsten)
	+ Bugzilla attachments not set to autodetect (Bjoern)
		+ sent to Tollef - who is deadly busy just now.
**	+ Update gsoc ideas page
	  https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Gsoc/Ideas (all)
		+ everybody should update their their tasks and add new ones
	+ full-word selection / editing ergonomics cf. UX-advise
	     	+ pending input from Caolan / Cedric / Michael S
	+ disable Rhino / Beanshell unless in experimental mode (Michael M)
	+ minimal triage for good mentors for proposed easy hacks (Bjoern)
	+ Ubuntu font licensing questions, clarify at Canonical (Bjoern)
	+ helping out with code-pointers for UI bugs (Kendy)
		+ reviewed them with Mirek in person, pointers pending
		+ http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice-ux-advise/2013-February/001817.html
	+ on-line update tweaks (Kendy)
		=> upgrade everything to 3.6.5
		=> upgrade all 3.*.0 -> 4.0.0

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
	+ 4.0.1 rc1 status
		+ builds are available / heading to mirrors
		+ lots of issues fixed.
		+ deadline for rc2 is Monday ...
	+ 3.6.6 rc1 commit deadline 1 month out: Monday Mar 18

* UX input (Astron)
	+ new icon set discussion ongoing
	+ new icon for impress remote under discussion
AI:	+ look at gradient / clipart issues (Michael)
	+ kendy on FTO wrt. UX easy hacks.

* GSOC 2013 (Cedric)
	+ April 8th deadline
	+ Please update the great ideas page at that date:
		+ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Gsoc/Ideas

* Coverity reports (Markus)
	+ we have a nice report to work through; register:
	  project: LibreOffice
	+ and send your account details to Markus / Norbert.
	+ already fixed a lot of issues, but plenty more to go
	+ Markus up-loads builds regularly
	+ false positives can be flagged, please update the
	  tool with issue status (Norbert)

* Automated crash on import test results (Markus)
	+ found a nasty toolchain bug on SLES11 (thanks Stephan)
	+ issues with libunordflo loading in dbgutil builds
AI:	+ look into it before publishing updated stats (Michael S)
	+ 1 day for writer files, 16 hours for calc files,
	  adding impress files: > 2.5 days
	+ WIP to integrate this with Jenkins & graphing (Norbert)

* Proposal to rework packaging, now that gbuild is ~done (Bjoern)
	+ push to the list for discussion
	+ kills solver (and links directly in WORKDIR)
	+ kills solenv/bin/modules, and much of scp2
	+ concerns about platform-dependent / windows MSI hierarchies & extensions
	+ Tor is doing a complementary re-work for Mac pkg structure

* progress on ns Date / timestamp issue (Lionel)
AI:	+ continue discussion & come to a conclusion (Stephan/Lionel/Thorsten)

* Certification Program (Stephan/Kendy/Bjoern)
	+ purpose of it ? (Joel)
		+ encourage users to pay for support from certified (active,
		  contributing) developers & companies.
	+ next step - send lots of beautiful invitation letters.

* Hard Hacks:
	+ http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/HardHacks
	  fdo#37580 - Assign layout malfunction and crash on slide with formula
	  fdo#59259 - With some master pages, freezes when try to print
	  fdo#59932 - FILEOPEN: Text boxes with bulleted lists containing wrapped text ...
	  fdo#48039 - Cross-references disrupted in Master Document
	  fdo#40594 - FILEOPEN .docx (MSO2010) does not show CHART object

* QA update (Joel)
	+ list of unconfirmed 4.0 bugs is going up - currently 150
	  despite the focused hard work of the QA team on these
		+ ignoring old 2011 bugs for now
	+ does BSA offer some bugs to triage / check ? (Michael)
		+ yes, but only a small link at the bottom
	+ large proportion of bugs coming in through the BSA
		+ stats to follow.
	+ QA getting more switched-on to the 'regression' keyword
		+ poking at writer regressions (Michael S)
		+ a good number in NEEDINFO state
		+ some are not regressions some are
		+ lots of issues in docx import
		+ quality of regression bugs decreased (Markus)
		+ poke at history and ping if QA marked in error (Joel)
    	+ help is needed with triagging the following bugs:

* Open 4.1 MAB / regressions
	+ 1 (of 2) older 3/3
	+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=60270&hide_resolved=1

* Open 4.0 MAB / regressions
	+ 15 (of 96) older 16/94 16/91 13/79 17/76 10/69 14/64 13/48 13/41 9/34 10/34
	     16%            17%   18%   22%   22%   14%   22%   27%   32%  26%   29%
	+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=54157&hide_resolved=1

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
	+ 76 (of 210) older 57/189 44/175 45/175 43/174 42/173 36/166 37/164 34/160
	     36%             30%    25%    25%    25%    24%     22%   23%    21%
	+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=44446&hide_resolved=1

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
	+ 0 (of 221) older 28/247 47/264 47/264 48/265 49/266 49/266 50/266 54/268
	     0%              11%    18%    18%    18%    18%    18%    19%    20%
	+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=37361&hide_resolved=1
		+ last week: this series is retired ...

* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
	+ 48 (of 137) older 49/133 47/131 45/126 42/117 40/114 43/110
	+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?f1=status_whiteboard&list_id=204265&o1=substring&resolution=---&query_format=advanced&v1=bibisected&product=LibreOffice

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
	+ 295(+25) bugs open of 1301(+43) total

	* ~Component   count net *
	+ Writer       - 104 (+11)
	+ Presentation -  33  (+3)
	+ Spreadsheet  -  32  (+4)
	+ LibreOffice  -  25  (+6)
	+ Crashes      -  23  (+2)
	+ Database     -  21  (+1)
	+ Drawing      -  15  (-2)
	+ Borders      -  12  (+1)
	+ Migration    -   5  (+0)
	+ Basic        -   2  (+0)

	+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=regression%2C%20&keywords_type=allwords&resolution=---&query_format=advanced&product=LibreOffice&list_id=36764
	+ Migration: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=43489&hide_resolved=1

michael.meeks at suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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