Mysql Connector Extension Size Confusion

Michael Stahl mstahl at
Fri Feb 22 05:42:54 PST 2013

On 22/02/13 14:37, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
> Hi all,
> On my 64bit Linux build of master, I'm seeing the following in my tree 
> after a successful build of the mysql connector extension :
> Hmm, some strange things going on somewhere :
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 5379260 janv.  3 03:44 
> /home/alex/Development/libo/core/mysqlc/

this is created by the old build system.
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 2575973 févr. 13 12:20 
> /home/alex/Development/libo/core/solver/
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 2575973 févr. 13 12:20 
> /home/alex/Development/libo/core/workdir/

this is created by the new build system, to which mysqlc was migrated
earlier this year.

> I have no idea why the /ExtensionTarget and /solver copies of the OXT 
> are only half the size of the copy.
> Any ideas ?

you could check if there are any files missing in the oxt or anything
looks obviously wrong; last i checked it looked fine here but there are
apparently several different configure options that affect the extension
so YMMV.

> Since I always thought that it was the file in solver that got 
> registered in the final build product, I am a bit confused as to which 
> is the correct file that should be used to make available for downloads, 
> and this may also explain why my 2Mb files that I have made available in 
> the past didn't work for many users that tried it.

AFAIK the extension always requires some mysql library or other
installed on the system.

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