[libreoffice-l10n] Translation of the names of the keys on Windows

Adolfo Jayme Barrientos fitoschido at ubuntu.com
Thu Jan 10 07:23:24 PST 2013

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 7:44 AM, Jesús Corrius <jesus at softcatala.org> wrote:
> If you want to implement this, but you are not a developer, just send me
> the name of the keys with its translation and I will apply the changes
> myself.

Hi, I was wondering if you could add a Spanish translation:

static const struct KeysNameReplacement aImplReplacements_Spanish[] =
        { KEY_BACK, "Retroceso" },
        { KEY_ENTER, "Intro" },
        { KEY_SPACEBAR, "Espacio" },
        { KEY_HOME, "Inicio" },
        { KEY_UP, "Arriba" },
        { KEY_PAGEUP, "Re Pág" },
        { KEY_LEFT, "Izquierda" },
        { KEY_RIGHT, "Derecha" },
        { KEY_END, "Fin" },
        { KEY_DOWN, "Abajo" },
        { KEY_PAGEDOWN, "Av Pág" },
        { KEY_INSERT, "Ins" },
        { KEY_DELETE, "Supr" },
        { KEY_SHIFT, "Mayús" },


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