About ucbdemo (still used?)

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at redhat.com
Mon Jan 21 02:56:50 PST 2013

On 01/19/2013 06:05 PM, julien2412 wrote:
> Cppcheck detected this:
> ucb/workben/ucb/ucbdemo.cxx
> 1735	syntaxError	error	Invalid number of character (() when these macros are
> defined: ''.
> I fixed parenthesis (there was not just one problem) but I don't know how to
> check this since "make ucbdemo" tells:
> make: *** No rule to make target `ucbdemo'.  Stop.
> (even if I run this in <LO root>/ucb/workben/ucb
> Is ucbdemo still used? How to build it?

Any */workben/ code (and there is quite some of it across modules) is 
not routinely built, so easily bitrots, and in most (all?) cases hasn't 
even been migrated to gbuild.  Whether or not the bitrotten code would 
be useful if it hadn't bitrotted is often lost to history.

It isn't entirely clear to me whether it is better to remove any 
apparently bitrotten */workben/ code (it doesn't pollute the source tree 
any more, and people can resurrect it from the git repo if they want to 
use it again) or leave it there (people who might get interested in the 
code in the future have a better chance at finding it again if it is 
available in the current source tree, compared to just available in the 
git repo's history).  But it's likely better to err here in favour of a 
clean, small repo and just remove any bitrotten */workben/ code.


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