LibreOffice Development [ Comments in .pptx ] (Annotations Issue)

Thorsten Behrens thb at
Wed Jan 23 12:16:54 PST 2013

Vinaya Mandke wrote:
> I am a trainee and have been assigned a project to debug and correct one
> bug of LiBo.
Hi Vinaya,

this is cool - great to have you looking into that!

> As of now I have identified this much:-
>    - Comments folder with comment1.xml , CommentAuthors are getting created
>    in the PPTx So this is an FileOpen issue
>    - I have also identified that pptx opens and is handled from
>    ../oox/source/ppt/presentationfragmenthandler.cxx (finalizeimport)
>    - There are handlers for Notes, Layouts etc but none for Annotations.
Yeah, that sounds about right.

>    - Furthermore I have also identified that Annotations are considered as
>    smarttags and are not exactly treated as part of the Presentation and hence
>    have no data structures in the SlidePersistPtr
I think this is rather missing than intended -

> As of now I can identify whether a slide has a comment in it or not using
> following in presentationfragmenthandler.cxx (finalizeimport) :-
> OUString aCommentFragmentPath =
> xSlideFragmentHandler->getFragmentPathFromFirstType(
>  if ( !aCommentFragmentPath.isEmpty() ) { ... //comment present }

> Furthermore:-
>    - ../sd/source/core/annotations have a few incomplete implementations
>    for the Annotations (Annotations.cxx AnnotationAccess.cxx etc)
>    - In presentationfragmenthandler there needs to another handler for
>    comments but I am stuck on how this can be implemented.
I think the implementation in sd is complete enough to have export
working - at least the ODF export seems to use it, check
xmloff/source/draw/sdxmlexp.cxx's SdXMLExport::exportAnnotations().

> So can you please guide how should I go about solving this issue ?
I did not look too deep just yet, but maybe the above ptr could get
you started? Indeed you'd need to implement your own fragment handler,
best start with a smaller blueprint like LayoutFragmentHandler and add
all needed tokens that you'll want to consume.


-- Thorsten
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