Weekly report about character border

Miklos Vajna vmiklos at suse.cz
Mon Jul 1 00:27:27 PDT 2013

On Mon, Jul 01, 2013 at 09:17:02AM +0200, Cedric Bosdonnat <cedric.bosdonnat at free.fr> wrote:
> > This is an interesting question, yes. My opinion is that it would be
> > good to do this in VCL ("font"), so not only Writer can benefit from
> > this, but later also other applications.
> Well, I was originally more thinking on something around the writer
> layout... borders aren't the same things than underlines and friends.
> However the idea to be able to reuse it from VCL is appealing.
> Problem coming from that: the code for borders painting is using cod
> from svx and drawinglayer... would we be able to use that from VCL fonts
> code? I'm not sure at all ;)

Sadly that's indeed not true, you can't even use svtools::GetDashing()
from VCL. So might be easier to go with a Writer-only layout for now.
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