Firbird / Blob support

Alex Thurgood alex.thurgood at
Wed Jul 24 00:29:03 PDT 2013

Le 23/07/2013 16:36, Lionel Elie Mamane a écrit :

Hi all,

> It is nice to have so that user code can use it. If HSQLDB supports/ed
> it, then it is also necessary so that we don't regress.

FWIW, my understanding is that the OOo, and consequently LO code, only 
supports CLOB in binary streams, which is one of the reasons why the 
MySQL native driver never got full BLOB support. The people from Sun did 
look at implementing it, but it never happened, and I don't remember now 
whether it was due to a lack of resources, or a problem in the API.

 From a user perspective, LO only currently supports images as a 
recognized binary stream, the others are all replaced in tables, forms, 
etc with the <OBJECT> placeholder. I'm not knowledgable enough about the 
LO code to say whether the binary stream management code allows for 
other types of stream (videos, sounds, etc), but these have not been 
implemented at UI level. I seem to recall someone on the former dba-dev 
OOo list (Fernand Vanrie ?) played around with UNO in the past to get 
binary streams read/converted via Basic macros, but I don't know how 
much success he had, so perhaps it is possible after all.


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