Direct csv import into Base table

Zolnai Tamás zolnaitamas2000 at
Mon Jun 3 03:05:56 PDT 2013

Hi Lionel,

   I'm working on a new feature in Base again. It's just a little user
helper feature to make available the direct import of an csv file into
table, without open Calc and copy&paste the content from it to Base. I
already have the plan to implement it and it seems to me that it will work
not just with csv files but all Calc compatible format (in this case only
the first sheet will be imported, but later it can be extended). I will use
up the code which lies under the OLE-object feature of Writer, which
already contains the csv import.
   The only question is where this feature would be reachable. I have two
ideas and I think all of these two places should be used:
   1. Table view -> "Tasks". Add a 4th option like "Import Table From
File...". This point contains all other places which are almost the
duplicates of this "Tables" list (e.g. Insert menu with label "Table
(Import)..." ).
   2. Table view -> "Tables" -> context menu. The label can be "Import

If you agree with these points than I send a mail to the ux mailing list
for a new icon which can be displayed in the "Tasks" list and in the menu.

Best Regards,
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