[PATCH] tb3: tinderbox coordinator
Björn Michaelsen (via_Code_Review)
gerrit at gerrit.libreoffice.org
Wed Jun 5 08:09:53 PDT 2013
I have submitted a patch for review:
To pull it, you can do:
git pull ssh://gerrit.libreoffice.org:29418/buildbot refs/changes/66/4166/1
tb3: tinderbox coordinator
tb3 is an robust asyncronous tinderbox coodinator allowing multiple builders to
coordinate work in a distributed fashion.
Change-Id: I5364dbb25cebd160a967995e2c96fad8fddd7e0b
A tb3/Makefile
A tb3/dist-packages/tb3/__init__.py
A tb3/dist-packages/tb3/repostate.py
A tb3/dist-packages/tb3/scheduler.py
A tb3/tb3
A tb3/tb3-set-commit-finished
A tb3/tb3-set-commit-running
A tb3/tb3-show-history
A tb3/tb3-show-proposals
A tb3/tb3-show-state
A tb3/tests/helpers.py
A tb3/tests/tb3-cli.py
A tb3/tests/tb3/repostate.py
A tb3/tests/tb3/scheduler.py
14 files changed, 843 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tb3/Makefile b/tb3/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b03b70a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+define runtest
+test: test-repostate test-scheduler test-cli
+ @true
+.PHONY: test
+ $(call runtest,$*)
+ ./tests/tb3-cli.py
+.PHONY: test-%
+# vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/tb3/dist-packages/tb3/__init__.py b/tb3/dist-packages/tb3/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7a73e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/dist-packages/tb3/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/tb3/dist-packages/tb3/repostate.py b/tb3/dist-packages/tb3/repostate.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62bd55f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/dist-packages/tb3/repostate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+import sh
+import json
+import datetime
+class StateEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+ def default(self, obj):
+ if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
+ return [ '__datetime__', (obj - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds() ]
+ elif isinstance(obj, datetime.timedelta):
+ return [ '__timedelta__', obj.total_seconds() ]
+ return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
+class StateDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
+ def decode(self, s):
+ obj = super(StateDecoder, self).decode(s)
+ for (key, value) in obj.iteritems():
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ if value[0] == '__datetime__':
+ obj[key] = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(value[1])
+ elif value[0] == '__timedelta__':
+ obj[key] = datetime.timedelta(float(value[1]))
+ return obj
+class RepoState:
+ def __init__(self, platform, branch, repo):
+ self.platform = platform
+ self.branch = branch
+ self.repo = repo
+ self.git = sh.git.bake(_cwd=repo)
+ def __str__(self):
+ (last_good, first_bad, last_bad) = (self.get_last_good(), self.get_first_bad(), self.get_last_bad())
+ result = 'State of repository %s on branch %s for platform %s' % (self.repo, self.branch, self.platform)
+ result += '\nhead : %s' % (self.get_head())
+ if last_good:
+ result += '\nlast good commit: %s (%s-%d)' % (last_good, self.branch, self.__distance_to_branch_head(last_good))
+ if first_bad:
+ result += '\nfirst bad commit: %s (%s-%d)' % (first_bad, self.branch, self.__distance_to_branch_head(first_bad))
+ if last_bad:
+ result += '\nlast bad commit: %s (%s-%d)' % (last_bad, self.branch, self.__distance_to_branch_head(last_bad))
+ return result
+ def __resolve_ref(self, refname):
+ try:
+ return self.git('show-ref', refname).split(' ')[0]
+ except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1:
+ return None
+ def __distance_to_branch_head(self, commit):
+ return int(self.git('rev-list', '--count', '%s..%s' % (commit, self.branch)))
+ def __get_fullref(self, name):
+ return 'refs/tb3/state/%s/%s/%s' % (self.platform, self.branch, name)
+ def __set_ref(self, refname, target):
+ return self.git('update-ref', refname, target)
+ def __clear_ref(self, refname):
+ return self.git('update-ref', '-d', self.__get_fullref(refname))
+ def sync(self):
+ self.git('fetch', all=True)
+ def get_last_good(self):
+ return self.__resolve_ref(self.__get_fullref('last_good'))
+ def set_last_good(self, target):
+ self.__set_ref(self.__get_fullref('last_good'),target)
+ def clear_last_good(self):
+ self.__clear_ref('last_good')
+ def get_first_bad(self):
+ return self.__resolve_ref(self.__get_fullref('first_bad'))
+ def set_first_bad(self, target):
+ self.__set_ref(self.__get_fullref('first_bad'), target)
+ def clear_first_bad(self):
+ self.__clear_ref('first_bad')
+ def get_last_bad(self):
+ return self.__resolve_ref(self.__get_fullref('last_bad'))
+ def set_last_bad(self, target):
+ self.__set_ref(self.__get_fullref('last_bad'), target)
+ def clear_last_bad(self):
+ self.__clear_ref('last_bad')
+ def get_head(self):
+ return self.__resolve_ref('refs/heads/%s' % self.branch)
+ def get_last_build(self):
+ (last_bad, last_good) = (self.get_last_bad(), self.get_last_good())
+ if not last_bad:
+ return last_good
+ if not last_good:
+ return last_bad
+ if self.git('merge-base', '--is-ancestor', last_good, last_bad, _ok_code=[0,1]).exit_code == 0:
+ return last_bad
+ return last_good
+class CommitState:
+ def __init__(self, state='UNKNOWN', started=None, builder=None, estimated_duration=None, finished=None, artifactreference=None):
+ if not state in CommitState.STATES:
+ raise AttributeError
+ self.state = state
+ self.builder = builder
+ self.started = started
+ self.finished = finished
+ self.estimated_duration = estimated_duration
+ self.artifactreference = artifactreference
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not hasattr(other, '__dict__'):
+ return False
+ return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
+ def __str__(self):
+ result = 'started on %s with builder %s and finished on %s -- artifacts at %s, state: %s' % (self.started, self.builder, self.finished, self.artifactreference, self.state)
+ if self.started and self.finished:
+ result += ' (took %s)' % (self.finished-self.started)
+ if self.estimated_duration:
+ result += ' (estimated %s)' % (self.estimated_duration)
+ return result
+class RepoHistory:
+ def __init__(self, platform, repo):
+ self.platform = platform
+ self.git = sh.git.bake(_cwd=repo)
+ self.gitnotes = sh.git.bake('--no-pager', 'notes', '--ref', 'core.notesRef=refs/notes/tb3/history/%s' % self.platform, _cwd=repo)
+ def get_commit_state(self, commit):
+ commitstate_json = str(self.gitnotes.show(commit, _ok_code=[0,1]))
+ commitstate = CommitState()
+ if len(commitstate_json):
+ commitstate.__dict__ = json.loads(commitstate_json, cls=StateDecoder)
+ return commitstate
+ def get_recent_commit_states(self, branch, count):
+ commits = self.git('rev-list', '%s~%d..%s' % (branch, count, branch)).split('\n')[:-1]
+ return [(c, self.get_commit_state(c)) for c in commits]
+ def set_commit_state(self, commit, commitstate):
+ self.gitnotes.add(commit, force=True, m=json.dumps(commitstate.__dict__, cls=StateEncoder))
+ def update_inner_range_state(self, begin, end, commitstate, skipstates):
+ for commit in self.git('rev-list', '%s..%s' % (begin, end)).split('\n')[1:-1]:
+ oldstate = self.get_commit_state(commit)
+ if not oldstate.state in skipstates:
+ self.set_commit_state(commit, commitstate)
+class RepoStateUpdater:
+ def __init__(self, platform, branch, repo):
+ (self.platform, self.branch) = (platform, branch)
+ self.git = sh.git.bake(_cwd=repo)
+ self.repostate = RepoState(platform, branch, repo)
+ self.repohistory = RepoHistory(platform, repo)
+ def __update(self, commit, last_good_state, last_bad_state, forward, bisect_state):
+ last_build = self.repostate.get_last_build()
+ last_good = self.repostate.get_last_good()
+ if last_build and last_good:
+ if self.git('merge-base', '--is-ancestor', last_build, commit, _ok_code=[0,1]).exit_code == 0:
+ rangestate = last_bad_state
+ if last_build == last_good:
+ rangestate = last_good_state
+ self.repohistory.update_inner_range_state(last_build, commit, CommitState(rangestate), ['GOOD', 'BAD'])
+ else:
+ first_bad = self.repostate.get_first_bad()
+ assert(self.git('merge-base', '--is-ancestor', last_good, commit, _ok_code=[0,1]).exit_code == 0)
+ assert(self.git('merge-base', '--is-ancestor', commit, first_bad, _ok_code=[0,1]).exit_code == 0)
+ assume_range = (last_good, commit)
+ if forward:
+ assume_range = (commit, first_bad)
+ self.repohistory.update_inner_range_state(assume_range[0], assume_range[1], CommitState(bisect_state), ['GOOD', 'BAD'])
+ def __finalize_bisect(self):
+ (first_bad, last_bad) = (self.repostate.get_first_bad(), self.repostate.get_last_bad())
+ if not first_bad:
+ #assert(self.repostate.get_last_bad() is None)
+ return
+ last_good = self.repostate.get_last_good()
+ if not last_good:
+ #assert(self.repostate.get_last_bad() is None)
+ return
+ if last_good in self.git('rev-list', '--parents', first_bad).split()[1:]:
+ commitstate = self.repohistory.get_commit_state(first_bad)
+ commitstate.state = 'BREAKING'
+ self.repohistory.set_commit_state(first_bad, commitstate)
+ if self.git('merge-base', '--is-ancestor', last_bad, last_good, _ok_code=[0,1]).exit_code == 0:
+ self.repostate.clear_first_bad()
+ self.repostate.clear_last_bad()
+ def set_scheduled(self, commit, builder, estimated_duration):
+ # FIXME: dont hardcode limit
+ estimated_duration = max(estimated_duration, datetime.timedelta(hours=4))
+ commitstate = CommitState('RUNNING', datetime.datetime.now(), builder, estimated_duration)
+ self.repohistory.set_commit_state(commit, commitstate)
+ def set_finished(self, commit, builder, state, artifactreference):
+ if not state in ['GOOD', 'BAD']:
+ raise AttributeError
+ commitstate = self.repohistory.get_commit_state(commit)
+ #assert(commitstate.state == 'RUNNING')
+ #assert(commitstate.builder == builder)
+ # we want to keep a failure around, even if we have a success somehow
+ if not commitstate.state in ['BAD'] or state in ['BAD']:
+ commitstate.state = state
+ commitstate.finished = datetime.datetime.now()
+ commitstate.builder = builder
+ commitstate.estimated_duration = None
+ commitstate.artifactreference = artifactreference
+ self.repohistory.set_commit_state(commit, commitstate)
+ if state == 'GOOD':
+ last_good = self.repostate.get_last_good()
+ if last_good:
+ self.__update(commit, 'ASSUMED_GOOD', 'POSSIBLY_FIXING', False, 'ASSUMED_GOOD')
+ if not last_good or self.git('merge-base', '--is-ancestor', last_good, commit, _ok_code=[0,1]).exit_code == 0:
+ self.repostate.set_last_good(commit)
+ else:
+ self.__update(commit, 'POSSIBLY_BREAKING', 'ASSUMED_BAD', True, 'ASSUMED_BAD')
+ (first_bad, last_bad) = (self.repostate.get_first_bad(), self.repostate.get_last_bad())
+ if not first_bad or self.git('merge-base', '--is-ancestor', commit, first_bad, _ok_code=[0,1]).exit_code == 0:
+ self.repostate.set_first_bad(commit)
+ if not last_bad:
+ self.repostate.set_last_bad(commit)
+ self.__finalize_bisect()
+# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/tb3/dist-packages/tb3/scheduler.py b/tb3/dist-packages/tb3/scheduler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3accab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/dist-packages/tb3/scheduler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+import sh
+import math
+import tb3.repostate
+import functools
+import datetime
+class Proposal:
+ def __init__(self, score, commit, scheduler):
+ (self.score, self.commit, self.scheduler) = (score, commit, scheduler)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Proposal(%f, %s, %s)' % (self.score, self.commit, self.scheduler)
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ return other.score - self.score
+class Scheduler:
+ def __init__(self, platform, branch, repo):
+ self.branch = branch
+ self.repo = repo
+ self.platform = platform
+ self.repostate = tb3.repostate.RepoState(self.platform, self.branch, self.repo)
+ self.repohistory = tb3.repostate.RepoHistory(self.platform, self.repo)
+ self.git = sh.git.bake(_cwd=repo)
+ def count_commits(self, start, to):
+ return int(self.git('rev-list', '%s..%s' % (start, to), count=True))
+ def get_commits(self, begin, end):
+ commits = []
+ for commit in self.git('rev-list', '%s..%s' % (begin, end)).strip('\n').split('\n'):
+ if len(commit) == 40:
+ commits.append( (len(commits), commit, self.repohistory.get_commit_state(commit)) )
+ return commits
+ def norm_results(self, proposals):
+ maxscore = 0
+ #maxscore = functools.reduce( lambda x,y: max(x.score, y.score), proposals)
+ for proposal in proposals:
+ maxscore = max(maxscore, proposal.score)
+ if maxscore > 0:
+ for proposal in proposals:
+ proposal.score = proposal.score / maxscore * len(proposals)
+ def dampen_running_commits(self, commits, proposals, time):
+ for commit in commits:
+ if commit[2].state == 'RUNNING':
+ running_time = max(datetime.timedelta(), time - commit[2].started)
+ timedistance = running_time.total_seconds() / commit[2].estimated_duration.total_seconds()
+ for idx in range(len(proposals)):
+ proposals[idx].score *= 1-1/((commit[0]-idx+timedistance)**2+1)
+ def get_proposals(self, time):
+ return [(0, None, self.__class__.__name__)]
+class HeadScheduler(Scheduler):
+ def get_proposals(self, time):
+ head = self.repostate.get_head()
+ last_build = self.repostate.get_last_build()
+ proposals = []
+ if not last_build is None:
+ commits = self.get_commits(last_build, head)
+ for commit in commits:
+ proposals.append(Proposal(1-1/((len(commits)-float(commit[0]))**2+1), commit[1], self.__class__.__name__))
+ self.dampen_running_commits(commits, proposals, time)
+ else:
+ proposals.append(Proposal(float(1), head, self.__class__.__name__))
+ self.norm_results(proposals)
+ return proposals
+class BisectScheduler(Scheduler):
+ def __init__(self, platform, branch, repo):
+ Scheduler.__init__(self, platform, branch, repo)
+ def get_proposals(self, time):
+ last_good = self.repostate.get_last_good()
+ first_bad = self.repostate.get_first_bad()
+ if last_good is None or first_bad is None:
+ return []
+ commits = self.get_commits(last_good, '%s^' % first_bad)
+ proposals = []
+ for commit in commits:
+ proposals.append(Proposal(1.0, commit[1], self.__class__.__name__))
+ for idx in range(len(proposals)):
+ proposals[idx].score *= (1-1/(float(idx)**2+1)) * (1-1/((float(idx-len(proposals)))**2+1))
+ self.dampen_running_commits(commits, proposals, time)
+ self.norm_results(proposals)
+ return proposals
+class MergeScheduler(Scheduler):
+ def __init__(self, platform, branch, repo):
+ Scheduler.__init__(self, platform, branch, repo)
+ self.schedulers = []
+ def add_scheduler(self, scheduler, weight=1):
+ self.schedulers.append((weight, scheduler))
+ def get_proposals(self, time):
+ proposals = []
+ for scheduler in self.schedulers:
+ new_proposals = scheduler[1].get_proposals(time)
+ for proposal in new_proposals:
+ proposal.score *= scheduler[0]
+ proposals.append(proposal)
+ return sorted(proposals)
+# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/tb3/tb3 b/tb3/tb3
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8a7c4ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/tb3
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import json
+import os.path
+import sys
+import tb3.repostate
+import tb3.scheduler
+updater = None
+def get_updater(parms):
+ global updater
+ if not updater:
+ updater = tb3.repostate.RepoStateUpdater(parms['platform'], parms['branch'], parms['repo'])
+ return updater
+repostate = None
+def get_repostate(parms):
+ global repostate
+ if not repostate:
+ repostate = tb3.repostate.RepoState(parms['platform'], parms['branch'], parms['repo'])
+ return repostate
+def sync(parms):
+ get_repostate(parms).sync()
+def set_commit_finished(parms):
+ get_updater(parms).set_finished(parms['set_commit_finished'], parms['builder'], parms['result'].upper(), parms['result_reference'])
+def set_commit_running(parms):
+ get_updater(parms).set_scheduled(parms['set_commit_running'], parms['builder'], parms['estimated_duration'])
+def show_state(parms):
+ if parms['format'] == 'json':
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ print(get_repostate(parms))
+def show_history(parms):
+ if parms['format'] == 'json':
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ history = tb3.repostate.RepoHistory(parms['platform'], parms['repo'])
+ for (commit, state) in history.get_recent_commit_states(parms['branch'], parms['history_count']):
+ print("%s %s" % (commit, state))
+def show_proposals(parms):
+ merge_scheduler = tb3.scheduler.MergeScheduler(parms['platform'], parms['branch'], parms['repo'])
+ merge_scheduler.add_scheduler(tb3.scheduler.HeadScheduler(parms['platform'], parms['branch'], parms['repo']), parms['head_weight'])
+ merge_scheduler.add_scheduler(tb3.scheduler.BisectScheduler(parms['platform'], parms['branch'], parms['repo']), parms['bisect_weight'])
+ proposals = merge_scheduler.get_proposals(datetime.datetime.now())
+ if parms['format'] == 'text':
+ print('')
+ print('Proposals:')
+ for proposal in proposals:
+ print(proposals)
+ else:
+ print(json.dumps([p.__dict__ for p in proposals]))
+def execute(parms):
+ if type(parms['estimated_duration']) is float:
+ parms['estimated_duration'] = datetime.timedelta(minutes=parms['estimated_duration'])
+ if parms['sync']:
+ sync(parms)
+ if parms['set_commit_finished']:
+ set_commit_finished(parms)
+ if parms['set_commit_running']:
+ set_commit_running(parms)
+ if parms['show_state']:
+ show_state(parms)
+ if parms['show_history']:
+ show_history(parms)
+ if parms['show_proposals']:
+ show_proposals(parms)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ commandname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ fullcommand = False
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='tinderbox coordinator')
+ set_commit_finished_only = ' (only for --set-commit-finished)'
+ set_commit_running_only = ' (only for --set-commit-running)'
+ show_proposals_only = '(only for --show-proposals)'
+ show_history_only = '(only for --show-history)'
+ if commandname == 'tb3-sync':
+ pass
+ elif commandname == 'tb3-set-commit-finished':
+ set_commit_finished_only = ''
+ parser.add_argument('set-commit-finished', nargs=1, help='the commit to set the state for')
+ elif commandname == 'tb3-set-commit-running':
+ set_commit_running_only = ''
+ parser.add_argument('set-commit-running', nargs=1, help='commit to set to state running')
+ elif commandname == 'tb3-show-state':
+ pass
+ elif commandname == 'tb3-show-history':
+ show_history_only = ''
+ elif commandname == 'tb3-show-proposals':
+ show_proposals_only = ''
+ else:
+ fullcommand = True
+ parser.add_argument('--repo', help='location of the LibreOffice core git repository', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('--platform', help='platform for which coordination is requested', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('--branch', help='branch for which coordination is requested', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('--builder', help='name of the build machine interacting with the coordinator', required=True)
+ if fullcommand:
+ parser.add_argument('--sync', help='syncs the repository from its origin', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--set-commit-finished', help='set the result for this commit')
+ parser.add_argument('--set-commit-running', help='set this commit to state running')
+ parser.add_argument('--show-state', help='shows the current repository state (text only for now)', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--show-history', help='shows the current build proposals', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--show-proposals', help='shows the current build proposals', action='store_true')
+ if fullcommand or commandname == 'tb3-set-commit-running':
+ parser.add_argument('--estimated-duration', help='the estimated time to complete in minutes (default: 120)%s' % set_commit_running_only, type=float, default=120.0)
+ if fullcommand or commandname == 'tb3-set-commit-finished':
+ parser.add_argument('--result', help='the result to store%s' % set_commit_finished_only, choices=['good','bad'], default='bad', required=not fullcommand)
+ parser.add_argument('--result-reference', help='the result reference (a string) to store%s' % set_commit_finished_only, default='')
+ if fullcommand or commandname == 'tb3-show-history':
+ parser.add_argument('--history-count', help='number of commits to show (default: 50)%s' % show_history_only, type=int, default=50)
+ if fullcommand or commandname == 'tb3-show-proposals':
+ parser.add_argument('--head-weight', help='set scoring weight for head (default: 1.0)%s' % show_proposals_only, type=float, default=1.0)
+ parser.add_argument('--bisect-weight', help='set scoring weight for bisection (default: 1.0)%s' % show_proposals_only, type=float, default=1.0)
+ if fullcommand or commandname == 'tb3-show-proposals' or commandname == 'tb3-show-history':
+ parser.add_argument('--format', help='set format for proposals and history (default: text)', choices=['text', 'json'], default='text')
+ args = vars(parser.parse_args())
+ if not fullcommand:
+ args['sync'] = commandname == 'tb3-sync'
+ args['show_proposals'] = commandname == 'tb3-show-proposals'
+ args['show_state'] = commandname == 'tb3-show-state'
+ execute(args)
+# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/tb3/tb3-set-commit-finished b/tb3/tb3-set-commit-finished
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..f130a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/tb3-set-commit-finished
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/tb3-set-commit-running b/tb3/tb3-set-commit-running
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..f130a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/tb3-set-commit-running
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/tb3-show-history b/tb3/tb3-show-history
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..f130a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/tb3-show-history
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/tb3-show-proposals b/tb3/tb3-show-proposals
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..f130a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/tb3-show-proposals
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/tb3-show-state b/tb3/tb3-show-state
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..f130a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/tb3-show-state
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb3/tests/helpers.py b/tb3/tests/helpers.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..821882f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/tests/helpers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4:
+import os.path
+import sh
+import tempfile
+def createTestRepo():
+ testdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ git = sh.git.bake('--no-pager',_cwd=testdir)
+ git.init()
+ touch = sh.touch.bake(_cwd=testdir)
+ for commit in range(0,10):
+ touch('commit%d' % commit)
+ git.add('commit%d' % commit)
+ git.commit('.', '-m', 'commit %d' % commit)
+ if commit == 0:
+ git.tag('pre-branchoff-1')
+ elif commit == 3:
+ git.tag('pre-branchoff-2')
+ elif commit == 5:
+ git.tag('branchpoint')
+ elif commit == 7:
+ git.tag('post-branchoff-1')
+ elif commit == 9:
+ git.tag('post-branchoff-2')
+ git.checkout('-b', 'branch', 'branchpoint')
+ for commit in range(5,10):
+ touch('branch%d' % commit)
+ git.add('branch%d' % commit)
+ git.commit('.', '-m', 'branch %d' % commit)
+ if commit == 7:
+ git.tag('post-branchoff-on-branch-1')
+ elif commit == 9:
+ git.tag('post-branchoff-on-branch-2')
+ return (testdir, git)
+# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/tb3/tests/tb3-cli.py b/tb3/tests/tb3-cli.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0dbc906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/tests/tb3-cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+import sh
+import sys
+import os
+import unittest
+import helpers
+#only for setup
+import tb3.repostate
+class TestTb3Cli(unittest.TestCase):
+ def __resolve_ref(self, refname):
+ return self.git('show-ref', refname).split(' ')[0]
+ def setUp(self):
+ (self.branch, self.platform) = ('master', 'linux')
+ os.environ['PATH'] += ':.'
+ (self.testdir, self.git) = helpers.createTestRepo()
+ self.tb3 = sh.tb3.bake(repo=self.testdir, branch=self.branch, platform=self.platform, builder='testbuilder')
+ self.state = tb3.repostate.RepoState(self.platform, self.branch, self.testdir)
+ self.head = self.state.get_head()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ sh.rm('-r', self.testdir)
+ def test_sync(self):
+ self.tb3(sync=True)
+ def test_set_commit_finished_good(self):
+ self.tb3(set_commit_finished=self.head, result='good')
+ self.tb3(set_commit_finished=self.head, result='good', result_reference='foo')
+ def test_set_commit_finished_bad(self):
+ self.tb3(set_commit_finished=self.head, result='bad')
+ self.tb3(set_commit_finished=self.head, result='bad', result_reference='bar')
+ def test_set_commit_running(self):
+ self.tb3(set_commit_running=self.head)
+ self.tb3(set_commit_running=self.head, estimated_duration=240)
+ def test_show_state(self):
+ self.tb3(show_state=True)
+ def test_show_history(self):
+ self.tb3(show_history=True, history_count=5)
+ def test_show_proposals(self):
+ self.tb3(show_proposals=True)
+ self.tb3(show_proposals=True, format='json')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
+# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/tb3/tests/tb3/repostate.py b/tb3/tests/tb3/repostate.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f69c372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/tests/tb3/repostate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+import datetime
+import sh
+import sys
+import unittest
+import helpers
+import tb3.repostate
+class TestRepoState(unittest.TestCase):
+ def __resolve_ref(self, refname):
+ return self.git('show-ref', refname).split(' ')[0]
+ def setUp(self):
+ (self.testdir, self.git) = helpers.createTestRepo()
+ self.state = tb3.repostate.RepoState('linux', 'master', self.testdir)
+ self.head = self.state.get_head()
+ self.preb1 = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/pre-branchoff-1')
+ self.preb2 = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/pre-branchoff-2')
+ self.bp = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/branchpoint')
+ self.postb1 = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/post-branchoff-1')
+ self.postb2 = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/post-branchoff-2')
+ def tearDown(self):
+ sh.rm('-r', self.testdir)
+ def test_sync(self):
+ self.state.sync()
+ def test_last_good(self):
+ self.state.set_last_good(self.head)
+ self.assertEqual(self.state.get_last_good(), self.head)
+ def test_first_bad(self):
+ self.state.set_first_bad(self.head)
+ self.assertEqual(self.state.get_first_bad(), self.head)
+ def test_last_bad(self):
+ self.state.set_last_bad(self.head)
+ self.assertEqual(self.state.get_last_bad(), self.head)
+ def test_last_build(self):
+ self.state.set_last_good(self.preb1)
+ self.assertEqual(self.state.get_last_build(), self.preb1)
+ self.state.set_last_bad(self.preb2)
+ self.assertEqual(self.state.get_last_build(), self.preb2)
+class TestRepoHistory(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ (self.testdir, self.git) = helpers.createTestRepo()
+ self.state = tb3.repostate.RepoState('linux', 'master', self.testdir)
+ self.head = self.state.get_head()
+ self.history = tb3.repostate.RepoHistory('linux', self.testdir)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ sh.rm('-r', self.testdir)
+ def test_commitState(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.history.get_commit_state(self.head), tb3.repostate.CommitState())
+ for state in tb3.repostate.CommitState.STATES:
+ commitstate = tb3.repostate.CommitState(state)
+ self.history.set_commit_state(self.head, commitstate)
+ self.assertEqual(self.history.get_commit_state(self.head), commitstate)
+ with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+ self.history.set_commit_state(self.head, tb3.repostate.CommitState('foo!'))
+class TestRepoUpdater(unittest.TestCase):
+ def __resolve_ref(self, refname):
+ return self.git('show-ref', refname).split(' ')[0]
+ def setUp(self):
+ (self.testdir, self.git) = helpers.createTestRepo()
+ self.state = tb3.repostate.RepoState('linux', 'master', self.testdir)
+ self.preb1 = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/pre-branchoff-1')
+ self.bp = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/branchpoint')
+ self.postb1 = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/post-branchoff-1')
+ self.head = self.state.get_head()
+ self.history = tb3.repostate.RepoHistory('linux', self.testdir)
+ self.updater = tb3.repostate.RepoStateUpdater('linux', 'master', self.testdir)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ sh.rm('-r', self.testdir)
+ def test_set_scheduled(self):
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.head, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.head, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=2400))
+ def test_good_head(self):
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.head, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ def test_bad_head(self):
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.head, 'testbuilder', 'BAD', 'foo')
+ def test_bisect(self):
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.preb1, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.bp, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.postb1, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.head, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.preb1, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.bp, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.postb1, 'testbuilder', 'BAD', 'foo')
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.head, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(self.history.get_commit_state('%s^' % self.head).state, 'POSSIBLY_FIXING')
+ self.assertEqual(self.history.get_commit_state('%s^' % self.postb1).state, 'POSSIBLY_BREAKING')
+ #for (commit, state) in self.history.get_recent_commit_states('master',9):
+ # print('bisect: %s %s' % (commit, state))
+ #print(self.state)
+ def test_breaking(self):
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.preb1, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled('%s^^' % self.postb1, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled('%s^' % self.postb1, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.head, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.preb1, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ self.updater.set_finished('%s^^' % self.postb1, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ self.updater.set_finished('%s^' % self.postb1, 'testbuilder', 'BAD', 'foo')
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.head, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(self.history.get_commit_state('%s^' % self.head).state, 'POSSIBLY_FIXING')
+ self.assertEqual(self.history.get_commit_state('%s^' % self.postb1).state, 'BREAKING')
+ self.assertEqual(self.history.get_commit_state('%s^^' % self.postb1).state, 'GOOD')
+ def test_possibly_breaking(self):
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.preb1, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.head, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.preb1, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.head, 'testbuilder', 'BAD', 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(self.history.get_commit_state('%s^' % self.head).state, 'POSSIBLY_BREAKING')
+ def test_possibly_fixing(self):
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.preb1, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.bp, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.head, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.preb1, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.bp, 'testbuilder', 'BAD', 'foo')
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.head, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(self.history.get_commit_state('%s^' % self.head).state, 'POSSIBLY_FIXING')
+ def test_assume_good(self):
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.preb1, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.head, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.preb1, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.head, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(self.history.get_commit_state('%s^' % self.head).state, 'ASSUMED_GOOD')
+ def test_assume_bad(self):
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.preb1, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.bp, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.head, 'testbuilder', datetime.timedelta(minutes=240))
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.preb1, 'testbuilder', 'GOOD', 'foo')
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.bp, 'testbuilder', 'BAD', 'foo')
+ self.updater.set_finished(self.head, 'testbuilder', 'BAD', 'foo')
+ self.assertEqual(self.history.get_commit_state('%s^' % self.head).state, 'ASSUMED_BAD')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
+# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/tb3/tests/tb3/scheduler.py b/tb3/tests/tb3/scheduler.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..17870c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb3/tests/tb3/scheduler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+import datetime
+import sh
+import unittest
+import sys
+import helpers
+import tb3.scheduler
+import tb3.repostate
+class TestScheduler(unittest.TestCase):
+ def __resolve_ref(self, refname):
+ return self.git('show-ref', refname).split(' ')[0]
+ def setUp(self):
+ (self.testdir, self.git) = helpers.createTestRepo()
+ self.state = tb3.repostate.RepoState('linux', 'master', self.testdir)
+ self.repohistory = tb3.repostate.RepoHistory('linux', self.testdir)
+ self.updater = tb3.repostate.RepoStateUpdater('linux', 'master', self.testdir)
+ self.head = self.state.get_head()
+ self.preb1 = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/pre-branchoff-1')
+ self.preb2 = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/pre-branchoff-2')
+ self.bp = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/branchpoint')
+ self.postb1 = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/post-branchoff-1')
+ self.postb2 = self.__resolve_ref('refs/tags/post-branchoff-2')
+ def tearDown(self):
+ sh.rm('-r', self.testdir)
+class TestHeadScheduler(TestScheduler):
+ def test_get_proposals(self):
+ self.scheduler = tb3.scheduler.HeadScheduler('linux', 'master', self.testdir)
+ self.state.set_last_good(self.preb1)
+ proposals = self.scheduler.get_proposals(datetime.datetime.now())
+ self.assertEqual(len(proposals), 9)
+ best_proposal = proposals[0]
+ for proposal in proposals:
+ if proposal.score > best_proposal.score:
+ best_proposal = proposal
+ self.assertEqual(proposal.scheduler, 'HeadScheduler')
+ self.assertEqual(best_proposal.commit, self.head)
+ self.assertEqual(best_proposal.score, 9)
+ self.updater.set_scheduled(self.head, 'box', datetime.timedelta(hours=2))
+ proposals = self.scheduler.get_proposals(datetime.datetime.now())
+ self.assertEqual(len(proposals), 9)
+ proposal = proposals[0]
+ best_proposal = proposals[0]
+ for proposal in proposals:
+ if proposal.score > best_proposal.score:
+ best_proposal = proposal
+ self.assertEqual(proposal.scheduler, 'HeadScheduler')
+ precommits = self.scheduler.count_commits(self.preb1, best_proposal.commit)
+ postcommits = self.scheduler.count_commits(best_proposal.commit, self.head)
+ self.assertLessEqual(abs(precommits-postcommits),1)
+class TestBisectScheduler(TestScheduler):
+ def test_get_proposals(self):
+ self.state.set_last_good(self.preb1)
+ self.state.set_first_bad(self.postb2)
+ self.state.set_last_bad(self.postb2)
+ self.scheduler = tb3.scheduler.BisectScheduler('linux', 'master', self.testdir)
+ proposals = self.scheduler.get_proposals(datetime.datetime.now())
+ self.assertEqual(len(proposals), 8)
+ best_proposal = proposals[0]
+ for proposal in proposals:
+ if proposal.score > best_proposal.score:
+ best_proposal = proposal
+ self.assertEqual(best_proposal.scheduler, 'BisectScheduler')
+ self.git('merge-base', '--is-ancestor', self.preb1, best_proposal.commit)
+ self.git('merge-base', '--is-ancestor', best_proposal.commit, self.postb2)
+ precommits = self.scheduler.count_commits(self.preb1, best_proposal.commit)
+ postcommits = self.scheduler.count_commits(best_proposal.commit, self.postb2)
+ self.assertLessEqual(abs(precommits-postcommits),1)
+class TestMergeScheduler(TestScheduler):
+ def test_get_proposal(self):
+ self.state.set_last_good(self.preb1)
+ self.bisect_scheduler = tb3.scheduler.BisectScheduler('linux', 'master', self.testdir)
+ self.head_scheduler = tb3.scheduler.HeadScheduler('linux', 'master', self.testdir)
+ self.merge_scheduler = tb3.scheduler.MergeScheduler('linux', 'master', self.testdir)
+ self.merge_scheduler.add_scheduler(self.bisect_scheduler)
+ self.merge_scheduler.add_scheduler(self.head_scheduler)
+ proposals = self.merge_scheduler.get_proposals(datetime.datetime.now())
+ self.assertEqual(len(proposals), 9)
+ self.assertEqual(set((p.scheduler for p in proposals)), set(['HeadScheduler']))
+ proposal = proposals[0]
+ self.assertEqual(proposal.commit, self.head)
+ self.assertEqual(proposal.scheduler, 'HeadScheduler')
+ self.state.set_first_bad(self.preb2)
+ self.state.set_last_bad(self.postb1)
+ proposals = self.merge_scheduler.get_proposals(datetime.datetime.now())
+ self.assertEqual(len(proposals), 4)
+ self.assertEqual(set((p.scheduler for p in proposals)), set(['HeadScheduler', 'BisectScheduler']))
+ proposal = proposals[0]
+ self.git('merge-base', '--is-ancestor', proposal.commit, self.preb2)
+ self.git('merge-base', '--is-ancestor', self.preb1, proposal.commit)
+ self.assertEqual(proposal.scheduler, 'BisectScheduler')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
+# vim: set et sw=4 ts=4:
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