Limit - New Database feature

Alexander Thurgood alex.thurgood at
Tue Jun 11 00:21:54 PDT 2013

Le 10/06/13 21:06, Zolnai Tamás a écrit :

Hi Tamás,


> running), but hsqldb does not support queries like "select * from table
> limit y". In hsqldb's concept we have to use a WHERE or an ORDER BY
> clause before LIMIT or at least a Table alias.

Ah, I see, so rather a limitation of hsql 1.8 (don't know about 2.0).

> In case of mysql, Base appends a table alias automatically to the select
> statement (read on the german list). I don't sure this appending's aim
> is to avoid this problem or not, but can use for hsqldb too.

Ah, OK. Thanks for the info.


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