scalc UNO api compilation question about header files

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at
Fri Mar 8 00:56:37 PST 2013

On 03/08/2013 01:16 AM, Neeraj Rai wrote:
> I have a makefile from Simple Calc example. It uses cppumaker to
> generate some header files from my idl files. I think you are saying
> Xdesktop/XEnumerationAccess are genrated in that step. That works and I
> understand it now.

No.  An invocation of cppumaker only generates the header files 
corresponding to those UNO types you tell it to.  So your makefile's 
invocation of cppumaker will presumably only generate header files 
corresponding to your newly introduced .idl files.

> I don't understand what you said about " if you built an example, they
> are generated".
> I thought they depend on my idl or are they buildable before I start
> writing any uno code?

So this part is about the UNO types that ship with the SDK.

> Once they are generated, I need to specify those paths in -I <include>
> for the _impl.o
> One option is - I know where they are and I can explicitly include those
> paths.
> But I am wondering if they are put in any of the standard paths -
> by standard path I mean those dir which are set by the sdk env script
> (

Where the header files are generated to is specified in the call to 
cppumaker.  The header file for the standard UNO types generated via 
that rule in the SDK's settings/ are generated to $(OUT_INC) 
as defined in settings/

> But I don't see any standard path pointing to libreoffice-

By design, the SDK never points into a LO build's workdir or solver.  It 
only points at parts of a LO installation.

But, to get your own local makefile experiments started, it can be 
easier to "cheat" and re-use the header files generated for the standard 
UNO types there, in solver/*/inc/udkapi and solver/*/inc/offapi (so you 
would need to add two -I flags).


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