Difficulties to build LO for windows

Jan Holesovsky kendy at suse.cz
Mon Mar 25 02:33:19 PDT 2013

Hi Matthieu,

Gay, Matthieu píše v Ne 24. 03. 2013 v 20:08 +0000:

> Thanks for your answer, when I build wizards module, I have these errors:
> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> 100 errors
> 2 warnings
> make[2]: *** [/cygdrive/d//libreOffice/git3/libo/workdir/wntmsci12.pro/JavaClassSet/Jar/reportbuilderwizard/done] Error 1
> dmake:  Error code 2, while making 'all'
> log for /cygdrive/d//libreOffice/git3/libo/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc
> Compiling: connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/Compiling: connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/Compiling: connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/Compiling: connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/Compiling: connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/MQueryHelper.cxx
> MDatabaseMetaDataHelper.cxx
> MNSMozabProxy.cxx
> MQuery.cxx
> MTypeConverter.cxx
> D://libreOffice/git3/libo/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/MTypeConverter.cxx(52) : error C2660: 'nsACString::BeginReading'ÿ: la fonction ne prend pas 0 arguments
> D://libreOffice/git3/libo/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/MTypeConverter.cxx(53) : error C2660: 'nsACString::EndReading'ÿ: la fonction ne prend pas 0 arguments
> D://libreOffice/git3/libo/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/MTypeConverter.cxx(59) : error C2660: 'nsACString::BeginReading'ÿ: la fonction ne prend pas 0 arguments
> D://libreOffice/git3/libo/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/MTypeConverter.cxx(60) : error C2660: 'nsACString::EndReading'ÿ: la fonction ne prend pas 0 arguments
> D://libreOffice/git3/libo/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozillasrc/MTypeConverter.cxx(73) : error C2039: 'AppendASCII'ÿ: n'est pas membre de 'nsACString'
>         d:\\libreoffice\git3\libo\solver\wntmsci12.pro\inc\mozilla\string\nsTAString.h(104)ÿ: voir la d‚claration de 'nsACString'
> dmake:  Error code 2, while making '../../../../wntmsci12.pro/slo/MTypeConverter.obj'

OK, so this is still down to mozilla.

You said you are building 3.5, right?  So I'd follow the older version
of the instructions, like:


Please download the "Prebuilt mozilla modules" (
http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/mozilla/) and follow


Hopefully that'll fix your trouble :-)

All the best,

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