[PATCH] vincent: fix the spell error: change "unkown" to "unknown"

vincent vincentgsoc2013 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 08:26:08 PDT 2013


Attachment is patch that I  fix the misspell: from "unkown" to "unknown" .

Bug 60724 - spelling errors and typos in binaries found by lintian

can someone help to have a review, thanks


From: vincent
Date: 2013-03-21 00:03
To: Cedric Bosdonnat
CC: libreoffice
Subject: Re: Re: I am Vincent, I am glad to join libreoffice gsoc
thanks Cedric,

I will pick up some entry tasks and finish them and make myselves getting familiar with libreoffice. thanks


From: Cedric Bosdonnat
Date: 2013-03-19 17:15
To: vincentgsoc2013
CC: libreoffice
Subject: Re: I am Vincent, I am glad to join libreoffice gsoc
On Tue, 2013-03-19 at 12:43 +0800, vincent wrote:
> Can someone share with me who will be the mentor of the topic: 
> Implement a "about:config" functionality

The possible mentors are indicated in the task description on the wiki

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