[PATCH] Convert Calc sheet page style to Widget UI

Olivier Hallot (via Code Review) gerrit at gerrit.libreoffice.org
Sun Mar 31 11:54:53 PDT 2013


I have submitted a patch for review:


To pull it, you can do:

    git pull ssh://gerrit.libreoffice.org:29418/core refs/changes/40/3140/1

Convert Calc sheet page style to Widget UI

Change-Id: I6714ccc710d266a047032166c738063602e6e30d
M sc/UI_scalc.mk
M sc/inc/sc.hrc
M sc/source/ui/inc/tptable.hxx
M sc/source/ui/pagedlg/pagedlg.hrc
M sc/source/ui/pagedlg/pagedlg.src
M sc/source/ui/pagedlg/tptable.cxx
A sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/sheetprintpage.ui
7 files changed, 772 insertions(+), 435 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sc/UI_scalc.mk b/sc/UI_scalc.mk
index 46afc89..95d6d49 100644
--- a/sc/UI_scalc.mk
+++ b/sc/UI_scalc.mk
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 	sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/insertname \
 	sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/insertsheet \
 	sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/printeroptions \
+	sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/sheetprintpage \
 	sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/sortcriteriapage \
 	sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/sortkey \
 	sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/sortoptionspage \
diff --git a/sc/inc/sc.hrc b/sc/inc/sc.hrc
index 0044fc4..b980ae4 100644
--- a/sc/inc/sc.hrc
+++ b/sc/inc/sc.hrc
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@
-#define RID_SCPAGE_TABLE        (SC_DIALOGS_START + 43)
 #define RID_SCPAGE_AREAS        (SC_DIALOGS_START + 44)
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/inc/tptable.hxx b/sc/source/ui/inc/tptable.hxx
index 9fb56ce..92d654c 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/inc/tptable.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/inc/tptable.hxx
@@ -63,36 +63,29 @@
     void            ShowImage();
-    FixedLine       aFlPageDir;
-    RadioButton     aBtnTopDown;
-    RadioButton     aBtnLeftRight;
-    FixedImage      aBmpPageDir;
-    Image           aImgLeftRight;
-    Image           aImgTopDown;
-    CheckBox        aBtnPageNo;
-    NumericField    aEdPageNo;
+    RadioButton*     m_pBtnTopDown;
+    RadioButton*     m_pBtnLeftRight;
+    FixedImage*      m_pBmpPageDir;
+    CheckBox*        m_pBtnPageNo;
+    NumericField*    m_pEdPageNo;
-    FixedLine       aFlPrint;
-    CheckBox        aBtnHeaders;
-    CheckBox        aBtnGrid;
-    CheckBox        aBtnNotes;
-    CheckBox        aBtnObjects;
-    CheckBox        aBtnCharts;
-    CheckBox        aBtnDrawings;
-    CheckBox        aBtnFormulas;
-    CheckBox        aBtnNullVals;
+    CheckBox*        m_pBtnHeaders;
+    CheckBox*        m_pBtnGrid;
+    CheckBox*        m_pBtnNotes;
+    CheckBox*        m_pBtnObjects;
+    CheckBox*        m_pBtnCharts;
+    CheckBox*        m_pBtnDrawings;
+    CheckBox*        m_pBtnFormulas;
+    CheckBox*        m_pBtnNullVals;
-    FixedLine           aFlScale;
-    FixedText           aFtScaleMode;
-    ListBox             aLbScaleMode;
-    FixedText           aFtScaleAll;
-    MetricField         aEdScaleAll;
-    FixedText           aFtScalePageWidth;
-    EmptyNumericField   aEdScalePageWidth;
-    FixedText           aFtScalePageHeight;
-    EmptyNumericField   aEdScalePageHeight;
-    FixedText           aFtScalePageNum;
-    NumericField        aEdScalePageNum;
+    ListBox*             m_pLbScaleMode;
+    VclHBox*             m_pBxScaleAll;
+    MetricField*         m_pEdScaleAll;
+    VclGrid*             m_pGrHeightWidth;
+    NumericField*        m_pEdScalePageWidth;
+    NumericField*        m_pEdScalePageHeight;
+    VclHBox*             m_pBxScalePageNum;
+    NumericField*        m_pEdScalePageNum;
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/pagedlg.hrc b/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/pagedlg.hrc
index c9ddaf3..abadb48 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/pagedlg.hrc
+++ b/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/pagedlg.hrc
@@ -29,42 +29,8 @@
 // TabPage: Tabelle
-#define BTN_GRID            10
-#define BTN_HEADER          11
-#define BTN_NOTES           12
-#define BTN_CHARTS          13
-#define BTN_OBJECTS         14
-#define BTN_DRAWINGS        15
-#define BTN_FORMULAS        16
-#define BTN_NULLVALS        17
-#define FL_PRINT            19
-#define BTN_TOPDOWN         20
-#define BTN_LEFTRIGHT       21
-#define BMP_PAGEDIR         22
-#define IMG_LEFTRIGHT       23
-#define IMG_TOPDOWN         24
-#define BTN_PAGENO          25
-#define ED_PAGENO           26
-#define FL_PAGEDIR          29
-#define FT_SCALEMODE        30
-#define LB_SCALEMODE        31
-#define ED_SCALEALL         32
-#define ED_SCALEPAGENUM     34
-#define FL_SCALE            39
-#define FT_SCALEFACTOR      51
-#define FT_SCALEPAGENUM     54
-// List box entries "Scaling mode"
-#define SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO         1
+#define IMG_LEFTRIGHT       (SC_DIALOGS_START + 43 + 23)
+#define IMG_TOPDOWN         (SC_DIALOGS_START + 43 + 24)
 // Dialog: Druckbereiche
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/pagedlg.src b/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/pagedlg.src
index 3a5e213..2c174a0 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/pagedlg.src
+++ b/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/pagedlg.src
@@ -150,254 +150,16 @@
-    Hide = TRUE ;
-    HelpId = HID_SCPAGE_TABLE ;
-    SVLook = TRUE ;
-    Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 0 , 0 ) ;
-    CheckBox BTN_HEADER
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:CheckBox:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_HEADER";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 73 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 142 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Column and row headers" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-    };
-    CheckBox BTN_GRID
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:CheckBox:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_GRID";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 87 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 142 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Grid" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-    };
-    CheckBox BTN_NOTES
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:CheckBox:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_NOTES";
-            Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 101 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 142 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Comments" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-    };
-    CheckBox BTN_OBJECTS
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:CheckBox:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_OBJECTS";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 115 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 142 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Objects/graphics" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-    };
-    CheckBox BTN_CHARTS
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:CheckBox:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_CHARTS";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 160 , 73 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 91 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Ch~arts" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-    };
-    CheckBox BTN_DRAWINGS
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:CheckBox:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_DRAWINGS";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 160 , 87 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 91 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Drawing objects" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-    };
-    CheckBox BTN_FORMULAS
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:CheckBox:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_FORMULAS";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 160 , 101 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 91 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Formulas" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-    };
-    CheckBox BTN_NULLVALS
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:CheckBox:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_NULLVALS";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 160 , 115 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 91 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Zero ~values" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedLine FL_PRINT
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 62 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 248 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Print" ;
-    };
-    RadioButton BTN_TOPDOWN
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:RadioButton:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_TOPDOWN";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 14 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 142 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Top to bottom, then right" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-    };
-    RadioButton BTN_LEFTRIGHT
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:RadioButton:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_LEFTRIGHT";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 28 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 142 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Left to right, then down" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedImage BMP_PAGEDIR
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 160 , 14 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 25 , 25 ) ;
-    };
         ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "lftrgt.png" ; };
         MaskColor = STD_MASKCOLOR;
-    Image IMG_TOPDOWN
         ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "topdown.png" ; };
         MaskColor = STD_MASKCOLOR;
-    CheckBox BTN_PAGENO
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:CheckBox:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:BTN_PAGENO";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 46 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 90 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "First ~page number" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-    };
-    NumericField ED_PAGENO
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:NumericField:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:ED_PAGENO";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 106 , 44 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 12 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Spin = TRUE ;
-        Minimum = 1 ;
-        Maximum = 9999 ;
-        SpinSize = 1 ;
-        Repeat = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedLine FL_PAGEDIR
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 248 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Page order" ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_SCALEMODE
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 144 );
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT( 124, 8 );
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Scaling ~mode";
-    };
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:ListBox:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:LB_SCALEMODE";
-        Border = TRUE;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 12, 155 );
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT( 124, 60 );
-        DropDown = TRUE;
-        StringList [ en-US ] =
-        {
-            < "Reduce/enlarge printout"; SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_PERCENT; >;
-            < "Fit print range(s) to width/height"; SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO; >;
-            < "Fit print range(s) on number of pages"; SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO_PAGES; >;
-        };
-    };
-    MetricField ED_SCALEALL
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:MetricField:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:ED_SCALEALL";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 218 , 155 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 12 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Spin = TRUE ;
-        Repeat = TRUE ;
-        Minimum = 10 ;
-        Maximum = 400 ;
-        First = 15 ;
-        Last = 200 ;
-        SpinSize = 1 ;
-        Unit = FUNIT_CUSTOM ;
-        CustomUnitText = "%" ;
-    };
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:NumericField:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:ED_SCALEPAGEWIDTH";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 218 , 144 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 12 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Hide = TRUE ;
-        Spin = TRUE ;
-        Repeat = TRUE ;
-        Minimum = 1 ;
-        Maximum = 1000 ;
-        SpinSize = 1 ;
-    };
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:NumericField:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:ED_SCALEPAGEHEIGHT";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 218 , 160 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 12 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Hide = TRUE ;
-        Spin = TRUE ;
-        Repeat = TRUE ;
-        Minimum = 1 ;
-        Maximum = 1000 ;
-        SpinSize = 1 ;
-    };
-    NumericField ED_SCALEPAGENUM
-    {
-        HelpID = "sc:NumericField:RID_SCPAGE_TABLE:ED_SCALEPAGENUM";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 218 , 155 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 12 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Hide = TRUE ;
-        Spin = TRUE ;
-        Repeat = TRUE ;
-        Minimum = 1 ;
-        Maximum = 1000 ;
-        SpinSize = 1 ;
-    };
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 148, 157 );
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT( 68 , 8 );
-        Hide = TRUE;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Scaling factor";
-    };
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 148, 146 );
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT( 68 , 8 );
-        Hide = TRUE;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Width in pages";
-    };
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 148, 162 );
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT( 68 , 8 );
-        Hide = TRUE;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "H~eight in pages";
-    };
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT( 148, 157 );
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT( 68, 8 );
-        Hide = TRUE;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "N~umber of pages";
-    };
-    FixedLine FL_SCALE
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 131 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 248 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Scale" ;
-    };
 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/tptable.cxx b/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/tptable.cxx
index 5882498..21efc16 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/tptable.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/ui/pagedlg/tptable.cxx
@@ -104,63 +104,57 @@
 #define GET_USHORT(sid,set) (sal_uInt16)((const SfxUInt16Item&)((set).Get(GetWhich((sid))))).GetValue()
 #define GET_SHOW(sid,set)   ( ScVObjMode( ((const ScViewObjectModeItem&)((set).Get(GetWhich((sid))))).GetValue() ) \
                               == VOBJ_MODE_SHOW )
+// List box entries "Scaling mode"
+#define SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO         1
 ScTablePage::ScTablePage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rCoreAttrs ) :
-        SfxTabPage( pParent, ScResId( RID_SCPAGE_TABLE ), rCoreAttrs ),
-        aFlPageDir          ( this, ScResId( FL_PAGEDIR ) ),
-        aBtnTopDown         ( this, ScResId( BTN_TOPDOWN ) ),
-        aBtnLeftRight       ( this, ScResId( BTN_LEFTRIGHT ) ),
-        aBmpPageDir         ( this, ScResId( BMP_PAGEDIR ) ),
-        aImgLeftRight       (       ScResId( IMG_LEFTRIGHT ) ),
-        aImgTopDown         (       ScResId( IMG_TOPDOWN ) ),
-        aBtnPageNo          ( this, ScResId( BTN_PAGENO ) ),
-        aEdPageNo           ( this, ScResId( ED_PAGENO ) ),
-        aFlPrint            ( this, ScResId( FL_PRINT ) ),
-        aBtnHeaders         ( this, ScResId( BTN_HEADER ) ),
-        aBtnGrid            ( this, ScResId( BTN_GRID ) ),
-        aBtnNotes           ( this, ScResId( BTN_NOTES ) ),
-        aBtnObjects         ( this, ScResId( BTN_OBJECTS ) ),
-        aBtnCharts          ( this, ScResId( BTN_CHARTS ) ),
-        aBtnDrawings        ( this, ScResId( BTN_DRAWINGS ) ),
-        aBtnFormulas        ( this, ScResId( BTN_FORMULAS ) ),
-        aBtnNullVals        ( this, ScResId( BTN_NULLVALS ) ),
-        aFlScale            ( this, ScResId( FL_SCALE ) ),
-        aFtScaleMode        ( this, ScResId( FT_SCALEMODE ) ),
-        aLbScaleMode        ( this, ScResId( LB_SCALEMODE ) ),
-        aFtScaleAll         ( this, ScResId( FT_SCALEFACTOR ) ),
-        aEdScaleAll         ( this, ScResId( ED_SCALEALL ) ),
-        aFtScalePageWidth   ( this, ScResId( FT_SCALEPAGEWIDTH ) ),
-        aEdScalePageWidth   ( this, ScResId( ED_SCALEPAGEWIDTH ) ),
-        aFtScalePageHeight  ( this, ScResId( FT_SCALEPAGEHEIGHT ) ),
-        aEdScalePageHeight  ( this, ScResId( ED_SCALEPAGEHEIGHT ) ),
-        aFtScalePageNum     ( this, ScResId( FT_SCALEPAGENUM ) ),
-        aEdScalePageNum     ( this, ScResId( ED_SCALEPAGENUM ) )
+        SfxTabPage( pParent, "SheetPrintPage","modules/scalc/ui/sheetprintpage.ui", rCoreAttrs )
+    get(m_pBtnTopDown,"radioBTN_TOPDOWN");
+    get(m_pBtnLeftRight,"radioBTN_LEFTRIGHT");
+    get(m_pBmpPageDir,"imageBMP_PAGEDIR");
+    get(m_pBtnPageNo,"checkBTN_PAGENO");
+    get(m_pEdPageNo,"spinED_PAGENO");
+    get(m_pBtnHeaders,"checkBTN_HEADER");
+    get(m_pBtnGrid,"checkBTN_GRID");
+    get(m_pBtnNotes,"checkBTN_NOTES");
+    get(m_pBtnObjects,"checkBTN_OBJECTS");
+    get(m_pBtnCharts,"checkBTN_CHARTS");
+    get(m_pBtnDrawings,"checkBTN_DRAWINGS");
+    get(m_pBtnFormulas,"checkBTN_FORMULAS");
+    get(m_pBtnNullVals,"checkBTN_NULLVALS");
+    get(m_pLbScaleMode,"comboLB_SCALEMODE");
+    get(m_pBxScaleAll,"boxSCALEALL");
+    get(m_pEdScaleAll,"spinED_SCALEALL");
+    get(m_pGrHeightWidth,"gridWH");
+    get(m_pEdScalePageWidth,"spinED_SCALEPAGEWIDTH");
+    get(m_pEdScalePageHeight,"spinED_SCALEPAGEHEIGHT");
+    get(m_pBxScalePageNum,"boxNP");
+    get(m_pEdScalePageNum,"spinED_SCALEPAGENUM");
-    aBtnPageNo.SetClickHdl( PAGENO_HDL );
-    aBtnTopDown.SetClickHdl( PAGEDIR_HDL );
-    aBtnLeftRight.SetClickHdl( PAGEDIR_HDL );
-    aLbScaleMode.SetSelectHdl( SCALE_HDL );
-    Size aBmpSize = Image( ScResId( IMG_LEFTRIGHT ) ).GetSizePixel();
-    aBmpPageDir.SetOutputSizePixel( aBmpSize );
+    m_pBtnPageNo->SetClickHdl( PAGENO_HDL );
+    m_pBtnTopDown->SetClickHdl( PAGEDIR_HDL );
+    m_pBtnLeftRight->SetClickHdl( PAGEDIR_HDL );
+    m_pLbScaleMode->SetSelectHdl( SCALE_HDL );
-    FreeResource();
-    aEdPageNo.SetAccessibleName(aBtnPageNo.GetText());
-    aEdPageNo.SetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy(&aBtnPageNo);
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 void ScTablePage::ShowImage()
-    bool bLeftRight = aBtnLeftRight.IsChecked();
-    aBmpPageDir.SetImage( (bLeftRight ? aImgLeftRight : aImgTopDown) );
+    Image aImg = Image( ScResId( (m_pBtnLeftRight->IsChecked()) ? IMG_LEFTRIGHT : IMG_TOPDOWN ) );
+    m_pBmpPageDir->SetImage( aImg );
+    m_pBmpPageDir->SetOutputSizePixel( aImg.GetSizePixel() );
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -193,28 +187,28 @@
     // sal_Bool-Flags
-    aBtnNotes       .Check( GET_BOOL(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_NOTES,rCoreSet) );
-    aBtnGrid        .Check( GET_BOOL(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_GRID,rCoreSet) );
-    aBtnHeaders     .Check( GET_BOOL(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_HEADERS,rCoreSet) );
-    aBtnFormulas    .Check( GET_BOOL(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_FORMULAS,rCoreSet) );
-    aBtnNullVals    .Check( GET_BOOL(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_NULLVALS,rCoreSet) );
-    aBtnTopDown     .Check( bTopDown );
-    aBtnLeftRight   .Check( !bTopDown );
+    m_pBtnNotes->Check( GET_BOOL(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_NOTES,rCoreSet) );
+    m_pBtnGrid->Check( GET_BOOL(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_GRID,rCoreSet) );
+    m_pBtnHeaders->Check( GET_BOOL(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_HEADERS,rCoreSet) );
+    m_pBtnFormulas->Check( GET_BOOL(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_FORMULAS,rCoreSet) );
+    m_pBtnNullVals->Check( GET_BOOL(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_NULLVALS,rCoreSet) );
+    m_pBtnTopDown->Check( bTopDown );
+    m_pBtnLeftRight->Check( !bTopDown );
     // Erste Druckseite:
-    aBtnPageNo.Check( nPage != 0 );
-    aEdPageNo.SetValue( (nPage != 0) ? nPage : 1 );
+    m_pBtnPageNo->Check( nPage != 0 );
+    m_pEdPageNo->SetValue( (nPage != 0) ? nPage : 1 );
     PageNoHdl( NULL );
     // Objektdarstellung:
-    aBtnCharts      .Check( GET_SHOW( SID_SCATTR_PAGE_CHARTS, rCoreSet ) );
-    aBtnObjects     .Check( GET_SHOW( SID_SCATTR_PAGE_OBJECTS, rCoreSet ) );
-    aBtnDrawings    .Check( GET_SHOW( SID_SCATTR_PAGE_DRAWINGS, rCoreSet ) );
+    m_pBtnCharts->Check( GET_SHOW( SID_SCATTR_PAGE_CHARTS, rCoreSet ) );
+    m_pBtnObjects->Check( GET_SHOW( SID_SCATTR_PAGE_OBJECTS, rCoreSet ) );
+    m_pBtnDrawings->Check( GET_SHOW( SID_SCATTR_PAGE_DRAWINGS, rCoreSet ) );
     // Skalierung:
@@ -225,8 +219,8 @@
         sal_uInt16 nScale = ((const SfxUInt16Item&)rCoreSet.Get(nWhich)).GetValue();
         if( nScale > 0 )
-            aLbScaleMode.SelectEntryPos( SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_PERCENT );
-        aEdScaleAll.SetValue( (nScale > 0) ? nScale : 100 );
+            m_pLbScaleMode->SelectEntryPos( SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_PERCENT );
+        m_pEdScaleAll->SetValue( (nScale > 0) ? nScale : 100 );
     nWhich = GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_SCALETO);
@@ -240,9 +234,9 @@
             Dialog shows width=height=1 then. */
         bool bValid = nWidth || nHeight;
         if( bValid )
-            aLbScaleMode.SelectEntryPos( SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO );
-        aEdScalePageWidth.SetValue( bValid ? nWidth : 1 );
-        aEdScalePageHeight.SetValue( bValid ? nHeight : 1 );
+            m_pLbScaleMode->SelectEntryPos( SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO );
+        m_pEdScalePageWidth->SetValue( bValid ? nWidth : 1 );
+        m_pEdScalePageHeight->SetValue( bValid ? nHeight : 1 );
@@ -250,39 +244,39 @@
         sal_uInt16 nPages = ((const SfxUInt16Item&)rCoreSet.Get(nWhich)).GetValue();
         if( nPages > 0 )
-            aLbScaleMode.SelectEntryPos( SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO_PAGES );
-        aEdScalePageNum.SetValue( (nPages > 0) ? nPages : 1 );
+            m_pLbScaleMode->SelectEntryPos( SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO_PAGES );
+        m_pEdScalePageNum->SetValue( (nPages > 0) ? nPages : 1 );
-    if( aLbScaleMode.GetSelectEntryCount() == 0 )
+    if( m_pLbScaleMode->GetSelectEntryCount() == 0 )
         // fall back to 100%
         OSL_FAIL( "ScTablePage::Reset - missing scaling item" );
-        aLbScaleMode.SelectEntryPos( SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_PERCENT );
-        aEdScaleAll.SetValue( 100 );
+        m_pLbScaleMode->SelectEntryPos( SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_PERCENT );
+        m_pEdScaleAll->SetValue( 100 );
     PageDirHdl( NULL );
     ScaleHdl( NULL );
     // merken fuer FillItemSet
-    aBtnFormulas    .SaveValue();
-    aBtnNullVals    .SaveValue();
-    aBtnNotes       .SaveValue();
-    aBtnGrid        .SaveValue();
-    aBtnHeaders     .SaveValue();
-    aBtnTopDown     .SaveValue();
-    aBtnLeftRight   .SaveValue();
-    aLbScaleMode    .SaveValue();
-    aBtnCharts      .SaveValue();
-    aBtnObjects     .SaveValue();
-    aBtnDrawings    .SaveValue();
-    aBtnPageNo      .SaveValue();
-    aEdPageNo       .SaveValue();
-    aEdScaleAll     .SaveValue();
-    aEdScalePageWidth.SaveValue();
-    aEdScalePageHeight.SaveValue();
-    aEdScalePageNum .SaveValue();
+    m_pBtnFormulas->SaveValue();
+    m_pBtnNullVals->SaveValue();
+    m_pBtnNotes->SaveValue();
+    m_pBtnGrid->SaveValue();
+    m_pBtnHeaders->SaveValue();
+    m_pBtnTopDown->SaveValue();
+    m_pBtnLeftRight->SaveValue();
+    m_pLbScaleMode->SaveValue();
+    m_pBtnCharts->SaveValue();
+    m_pBtnObjects->SaveValue();
+    m_pBtnDrawings->SaveValue();
+    m_pBtnPageNo->SaveValue();
+    m_pEdPageNo->SaveValue();
+    m_pEdScaleAll->SaveValue();
+    m_pEdScalePageWidth->SaveValue();
+    m_pEdScalePageHeight->SaveValue();
+    m_pEdScalePageNum->SaveValue();
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -299,50 +293,50 @@
     bDataChanged |= lcl_PutBoolItem( GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_NOTES),
                                      rCoreSet, rOldSet,
-                                     aBtnNotes.IsChecked(),
-                                     aBtnNotes.GetSavedValue() != STATE_NOCHECK );
+                                     m_pBtnNotes->IsChecked(),
+                                     m_pBtnNotes->GetSavedValue() != STATE_NOCHECK );
     bDataChanged |= lcl_PutBoolItem( GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_GRID),
                                      rCoreSet, rOldSet,
-                                     aBtnGrid.IsChecked(),
-                                     aBtnGrid.GetSavedValue() != STATE_NOCHECK );
+                                     m_pBtnGrid->IsChecked(),
+                                     m_pBtnGrid->GetSavedValue() != STATE_NOCHECK );
     bDataChanged |= lcl_PutBoolItem( GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_HEADERS),
                                      rCoreSet, rOldSet,
-                                     aBtnHeaders.IsChecked(),
-                                     aBtnHeaders.GetSavedValue() != STATE_NOCHECK );
+                                     m_pBtnHeaders->IsChecked(),
+                                     m_pBtnHeaders->GetSavedValue() != STATE_NOCHECK );
     bDataChanged |= lcl_PutBoolItem( GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_TOPDOWN),
                                      rCoreSet, rOldSet,
-                                     aBtnTopDown.IsChecked(),
-                                     aBtnTopDown.GetSavedValue() );
+                                     m_pBtnTopDown->IsChecked(),
+                                     m_pBtnTopDown->GetSavedValue() );
     bDataChanged |= lcl_PutBoolItem( GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_FORMULAS),
                                      rCoreSet, rOldSet,
-                                     aBtnFormulas.IsChecked(),
-                                     aBtnFormulas.GetSavedValue() != STATE_NOCHECK );
+                                     m_pBtnFormulas->IsChecked(),
+                                     m_pBtnFormulas->GetSavedValue() != STATE_NOCHECK );
     bDataChanged |= lcl_PutBoolItem( GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_NULLVALS),
                                      rCoreSet, rOldSet,
-                                     aBtnNullVals.IsChecked(),
-                                     aBtnNullVals.GetSavedValue() != STATE_NOCHECK );
+                                     m_pBtnNullVals->IsChecked(),
+                                     m_pBtnNullVals->GetSavedValue() != STATE_NOCHECK );
     // Erste Druckseite:
-    sal_Bool bUseValue = aBtnPageNo.IsChecked();
+    sal_Bool bUseValue = m_pBtnPageNo->IsChecked();
     if (   WAS_DEFAULT(nWhichPageNo,rOldSet)
-        && (    (!bUseValue && bUseValue == aBtnPageNo.GetSavedValue())
-            || (   bUseValue && bUseValue == aBtnPageNo.GetSavedValue()
-                   && aEdPageNo.GetText() == aEdPageNo.GetSavedValue() ) ) )
+        && (    (!bUseValue && bUseValue == m_pBtnPageNo->GetSavedValue())
+            || (   bUseValue && bUseValue == m_pBtnPageNo->GetSavedValue()
+                   && m_pEdPageNo->GetText() == m_pEdPageNo->GetSavedValue() ) ) )
             rCoreSet.ClearItem( nWhichPageNo );
-        sal_uInt16 nPage = (sal_uInt16)( aBtnPageNo.IsChecked()
-                                    ? aEdPageNo.GetValue()
+        sal_uInt16 nPage = (sal_uInt16)( m_pBtnPageNo->IsChecked()
+                                    ? m_pEdPageNo->GetValue()
                                     : 0 );
         rCoreSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( nWhichPageNo, nPage ) );
@@ -354,38 +348,38 @@
     bDataChanged |= lcl_PutVObjModeItem( GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_CHARTS),
-                                         rCoreSet, rOldSet, aBtnCharts );
+                                         rCoreSet, rOldSet, *m_pBtnCharts );
     bDataChanged |= lcl_PutVObjModeItem( GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_OBJECTS),
-                                         rCoreSet, rOldSet, aBtnObjects );
+                                         rCoreSet, rOldSet, *m_pBtnObjects );
     bDataChanged |= lcl_PutVObjModeItem( GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_DRAWINGS),
-                                         rCoreSet, rOldSet, aBtnDrawings );
+                                         rCoreSet, rOldSet, *m_pBtnDrawings );
     // Skalierung:
-    if( !aEdScalePageWidth.GetValue() && !aEdScalePageHeight.GetValue() )
+    if( !m_pEdScalePageWidth->GetValue() && !m_pEdScalePageHeight->GetValue() )
-        aLbScaleMode.SelectEntryPos( SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_PERCENT );
-        aEdScaleAll.SetValue( 100 );
+        m_pLbScaleMode->SelectEntryPos( SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_PERCENT );
+        m_pEdScaleAll->SetValue( 100 );
     bDataChanged |= lcl_PutScaleItem( GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_SCALE),
                                       rCoreSet, rOldSet,
-                                      aLbScaleMode, SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_PERCENT,
-                                      aEdScaleAll, (sal_uInt16)aEdScaleAll.GetValue() );
+                                      *m_pLbScaleMode, SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_PERCENT,
+                                      *m_pEdScaleAll, (sal_uInt16)m_pEdScaleAll->GetValue() );
     bDataChanged |= lcl_PutScaleItem2( GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_SCALETO),
                                       rCoreSet, rOldSet,
-                                      aLbScaleMode, SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO,
-                                      aEdScalePageWidth, aEdScalePageHeight );
+                                      *m_pLbScaleMode, SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO,
+                                      *m_pEdScalePageWidth, *m_pEdScalePageHeight );
     bDataChanged |= lcl_PutScaleItem( GetWhich(SID_SCATTR_PAGE_SCALETOPAGES),
                                       rCoreSet, rOldSet,
-                                      aLbScaleMode, SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO_PAGES,
-                                      aEdScalePageNum, (sal_uInt16)aEdScalePageNum.GetValue() );
+                                      *m_pLbScaleMode, SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO_PAGES,
+                                      *m_pEdScalePageNum, (sal_uInt16)m_pEdScalePageNum->GetValue() );
     return bDataChanged;
@@ -423,14 +417,14 @@
 IMPL_LINK( ScTablePage, PageNoHdl, CheckBox*, pBtn )
-    if ( aBtnPageNo.IsChecked() )
+    if ( m_pBtnPageNo->IsChecked() )
-        aEdPageNo.Enable();
+        m_pEdPageNo->Enable();
         if ( pBtn )
-            aEdPageNo.GrabFocus();
+            m_pEdPageNo->GrabFocus();
-        aEdPageNo.Disable();
+        m_pEdPageNo->Disable();
     return 0;
@@ -439,22 +433,14 @@
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ScTablePage, ScaleHdl)
-    // controls for "Reduce/enlarge"
-    bool bPercent = (aLbScaleMode.GetSelectEntryPos() == SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_PERCENT);
-    aFtScaleAll.Show( bPercent );
-    aEdScaleAll.Show( bPercent );
+    // controls for Box "Reduce/enlarge"
+    m_pBxScaleAll->Show(m_pLbScaleMode->GetSelectEntryPos() == SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_PERCENT);
-    // controls for "Scale to width/height"
-    bool bScaleTo = (aLbScaleMode.GetSelectEntryPos() == SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO);
-    aFtScalePageWidth.Show( bScaleTo );
-    aEdScalePageWidth.Show( bScaleTo );
-    aFtScalePageHeight.Show( bScaleTo );
-    aEdScalePageHeight.Show( bScaleTo );
+    // controls for Grid "Scale to width/height"
+    m_pGrHeightWidth->Show(m_pLbScaleMode->GetSelectEntryPos() == SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO);
-    // controls for "Scale to pages"
-    bool bScalePages = (aLbScaleMode.GetSelectEntryPos() == SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO_PAGES);
-    aFtScalePageNum.Show( bScalePages );
-    aEdScalePageNum.Show( bScalePages );
+    // controls for Box "Scale to pages"
+    m_pBxScalePageNum->Show(m_pLbScaleMode->GetSelectEntryPos() == SC_TPTABLE_SCALE_TO_PAGES);
     return 0;
diff --git a/sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/sheetprintpage.ui b/sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/sheetprintpage.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85318a1
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@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
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+                <child>
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+                <child>
+                  <placeholder/>
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+                <child>
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+                    <property name="model">liststoreScaleMode</property>
+                  </object>
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+              <attribute name="weight" value="bold"/>
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+      <!-- column-name gchararray1 -->
+      <column type="gchararray"/>
+      <!-- column-name gint1 -->
+      <column type="gint"/>
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+      <row>
+        <col id="0" translatable="yes">Reduce/enlarge printout</col>
+        <col id="1">0</col>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+        <col id="0" translatable="yes">Fit print range(s) to width/height</col>
+        <col id="1">0</col>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+        <col id="0" translatable="yes">Fit print range(s) on number of pages</col>
+        <col id="1">0</col>
+      </row>
+    </data>
+  </object>

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Gerrit-Change-Id: I6714ccc710d266a047032166c738063602e6e30d
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Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Olivier Hallot <olivier.hallot at edx.srv.br>

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