Set RES_GRFATR_CROPGRF atrtibute from SwVirtFlyDrawObj

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at
Wed May 1 03:13:55 PDT 2013

Hi Philippe,

Philippe Jung schrieb:
> Hi,
> I am working on implementing the Crop Image feature in Writer.

Which one? In Impress/Draw we have .uno:Crop (That is used for cropping 
with the mouse) and .uno:GrafAttrCrop (That opens the crop dialog)?

> Cropping ends in svx/source/svdraw/svddrgmt.cxx SdrDragCrop::EndSdrDrag.
> When cropping from Impress, marked object is SdrGrafObj. I rewrote part
> of the code so that Cropping is now part of SdrGrafObj (Similar to
> NbcMove, NbcResize and so on).

In Writer it is the property "GraphicCrop", a struct, type

> When cropping from Writer, the marked Object (and so the object to crop)
> is SwVirtFlyDrawObj (dflyobj.cxx). I have added SwVirtDrawObj::NbcCrop
> as Resize or Move. At this point, I would like to save the new values
> for crop attributes. That's where help is needed : how SwVirtFlyDrawObj
> relates to the embedded image and what is the "expected" way of applying
> an attribute to the image in a SwVirtFlyDrawObj?
> Got various ways to read the current value of the image, but I did not
> succeed in writing new values. I am a bit lost betwwen GetFrm,
> GetFrm->Lower, FrameFmt, and all the possible attribute pools.
> Any recommandation would be appreciated :-).

The crop property exists for pictures in Writer, for and as well. There is no problem to 
crop a picture using a macro. In a macro you need to set the GraphicCrop 
property, nothing more. Therefore there should be no need to change 
anything on the objects themselves, but write a UI for it.

(I'm no core developer, but see things from writing macros, so I might 
be totally wrong.)

Kind regards

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