Help with saving state to vector with arbitrary length

Albert Thuswaldner albert.thuswaldner at
Mon May 6 01:13:49 PDT 2013

While removing the limit of 3 sort criteria in Calc, I more or less
intentionally left out fixing the saving of state.

The state is set here:

and retrived here:

As can be seen in the code above the state is only saved for 3 sort
criteria. The state is kept by six RIDs FN_PARAM_1 to FN_PARAM_6, one
integer to keep record of the position in the dropdown list, and one
boolean to hold the sort order for each criteria.

How do I solve this now when the there can be an arbitary number of
sort criteria? Is it possible to save the state as two vectors
one integer vector, and one bool vector? Vectors with arbitrary lengths.

Thanks for your help.


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