LibreOffice-SDK for MinGW
Joachim Langenbach
joachim.langenbach at
Tue May 7 08:51:07 PDT 2013
Dear Jan and Stephan,
> Joachim Langenbach píše v Po 06. 05. 2013 v 14:50 +0200:
> > I'm also trying to build the LibreOffice SDK with MinGW. Goal is to
> > connect an application compiled with MinGW to LibreOffice on Windows,
> > Linux and may be other platforms. Since my attampts to cross compile
> > LibreOffice are not very successfully, I have two questions, before
> > investing more time in that.
> What exact failures did you have, please?
I've tried building and Both versions are configured with the
attached autogen.lastrun on an OpenSUSE system with installed mingw32 packages
from OpenSUSE build service. Within the version I have fixed already
some errors (e. g. lcms.h). The are in original state. The errors I
have currently are listed in the attached log files.
> > > So far the MinGW build is still a very experimental thing; I mostly use
> > > that when I develop something Windows-only because I can still keep my
> > > workflow, but as the binaries built with the MinGW SDK will be
> > > incompatible with the LibreOffice release builds, I am not sure it makes
> > > much sense to invest effort in that at this stage.
> >
> > Does it mean, that an application linked against the MinGW SDK, could not
> > connect to a MSVC standard libreoffice installation?
> I am afraid this is the case so far :-(
Thanks for this clarification!
> > And second, what are the alternatives of using the SDK to connect to
> > LibreOffce (if an compiler switch to MSVC is not wanted)?
> Basically the advice would be to use Java or Python I'm afraid. But I
> suppose you want to connect a C or C++ application to LibreOffice, is
> that correct? In that case getting the MinGW SDK working would be best.
> But if your MinGW approach fails, you might experiment with actually
> using the Python bridge from your C++ code using Boost.Python - that
> will perform worse than direct C++, but will be able to connect even to
> the LibreOffice built using MSVC.
> Or (and that might be easier) create a small Python wrapper that calls
> the functions / services you need from SDK, and provides your
> application with a simple API, and you'd call functions of this wrapper
> from your C++ code using Boost.Python.
Ok, thanks for your hints. Since I'm developing with Qt, an python extension
of the Qt-c++ application seems to be also a good option for me than. This
should be platform independent also.
> > Ole connection may be used, but
> > ole is not platform independent (or is it available under linux or
> > MacOS?).
> > Are there any other possiblities or have the SDK or OLE connection some
> > other advantages and disadvantages?
> I'd say here it depends on what exactly do you need to achieve...
>From Stephan:
> Depends on what you mean with "connect." Two independent processes
> communicating via the URP protocol should be fine. Trying to load any
> libraries from the MSVC-based LO installation into your MinGW-based
> process would obviously fail.
You are right, the term connect is not really clear here. My goal is to read
and write office files from my application. Therefore I designed an interface.
Than I can implement the interface within plugins, which utilize different
tools to read and write the files. For example one plugin handles CSV files,
another uses MS Office per OLE and another should use LibreOffice. So connect is
meant as any possible interaction between libreoffice and my plugin to read and
write office files (precisly spreadsheets).
Kind regards,
Joachim Langenbach
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CC=ccache i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
CXX=ccache i686-w64-mingw32-g++ -std=c++0x
CC_FOR_BUILD=ccache gcc
CXX_FOR_BUILD=ccache g++
--with-build-platform-configure-options=--disable-gnome-vfs --disable-gstreamer --disable-cups
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