Where to find the sources for the tinderbox status?

Christian Lohmaier lohmaier+libreoffice at googlemail.com
Sun May 12 11:14:45 PDT 2013

Hi Philipp,

On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 7:38 PM, Philipp Riemer <ruderphilipp at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> when looking at <http://tinderbox.libreoffice.org/MASTER/status.html>, I
> currently see the first Android-Tinderbox in a green status

Yes, all that counts in terms of build success or failure is the color
- the count is just a simple grepping for lines that might be an

> Can someone give me a pointer to the related reporting script/ whatever
> reports the number of errors, so that I can try removing these false
> positive cases?



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