Build /tmp output garbage

Michael Stahl mstahl at
Wed May 29 03:54:54 PDT 2013

On 29/05/13 12:45, Tomáš Chvátal wrote:
> I have running tinderbox instance and i noticed that TMP is continuously
> spammed with various tmp files provided while libreoffice build was run.
> After a week of run it amounts to 150 mb of data.

> Is there actually some plan to make libreoffice build cleanup after
> itself (even with crashed build these should be gone).
> It is not such problem for me as I reboot once every few months so this
> gets wiped from tmpfs, but still it should not happen.

probably from unit tests, most likely some stuff is "leaked" so the
files are not removed... please track down which tests do that and send
patches :)

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