Mac OSX Mavericks, XCode 5.01 and aclocal failure

Alex Thurgood alex.thurgood at
Wed Nov 13 01:47:24 PST 2013

Hi all,

On a clean installation of OSX Mavericks with XCode 5.01, command line
tools version 5A2053 in /Applications/, I get the following
build failure when attempting to build from master :

Failed to run aclocal at /Users/Shared/Repos/LO/core/ line 176

The incriminated line reads as follows :

system ("$aclocal $aclocal_flags") && die "Failed to run aclocal";

where $aclocal is defined at line 156 as :

$aclocal = $ENV{ACLOCAL} ? $ENV{ACLOCAL} : 'aclocal'

My ENV shows the following PATH :

Not quite sure where to go from here though.


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