minutes of ESC call ...
Michael Meeks
michael.meeks at collabora.com
Thu Oct 10 18:09:34 CEST 2013
* Present:
+ Miklos, Andras, Caolan, David, kendy, Kohei, Eike, Markus, Stephan,
Tibby, Robinson, Cloph, Bjoern, Michael M, Michael S
* Completed Action Items
+ CC developers' mailing list on all the easy hacks (Bjoern)
+ poke marketing / PR for 4.1.2 announce (Cloph)
+ change wiki page to eliminate proposed easy hacks (Bjoern)
+ create a script that counts bug commenters stats for minor release update PR (Bjoern)
+ switch to 10.8 baseline for Mac / 64bit (Norbert)
+ ask Rob to turn auto-'regression' status off on the BSA (Robinson)
[ bug filed ]
* Pending Action Items:
+ find better way to export from Coverity categories of non-security critical bugs (Caolan)
+ design-team raising template concerns, address these if possible & push (Ahmad)
+ setup infrastructure to build bibisect repos (Cloph / Bjoern / Norbert)
+ propose different name for proposed easy hacks (Markus)
+ produce a VM for the load / crash regressions (Cloph / Markus)
+ partition document test loads / run them on tinderboxen (Norbert)
+ produce a VM with callgrind metrics (Matus)
+ transition and automate this inside a VM for Cloph (Lionel)
+ create script to auto-mail users list for each API Change commit (Bjoern/Stephan)
+ ask Florian for a minimal / simple solution for larger bug docs (Robinson)
* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
+ 4.1.2 retrospective
+ wider RC3 / delay announcement
+ will activate automatic update today.
+ 4.0.6 RC1 status
+ pushed to the mirrors, ready to be announced later today
+ 4.1.3 RC1 - status
+ on the way to the mirrors
+ 4.0.6 RC2 deadline - next Monday
+ 4.1.3 RC2 - deadline week after
+ can we include the new bug-triager credits script for minor updaes ? (Bjoern)
+ a script that generates data on who commented in the related bugs
AI: + point Cloph at script in dev-tools (Bjoern)
+ GSOC / Android & iOS remote releases ?
+ previously pushed every update to the release branch (Miklos)
+ so ok to release from master ?
AI: + get setup wrt. mobile app-store access (Cloph / Thorsten)
AI: + ask app-authors wrt. freeze (Kendy)
* obsolete git branch cleanup (Thorsten)
+ git push origin --delete <branchName>
AI: + mail out list of branches (Michael)
* New Google C* font replacements (Caolan)
+ http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.redhat.fedora.devel/186967
+ Carlito -> Calibri
+ Caladea -> Cambria
+ packaging them for Fedora -> into LibreOffice.
* Regression analysis (Bjoern)
+ good news, fixing more regressions than we're introducing
+ the stats are going up, but thought to be better QA / triage.
+ because marking more:
+ ~50% of bugs closed in a major release, marked as regressions
+ conclusion:
+ doing a reasonable job of keeping regressions under control since 3.6
+ continued focus on unit-testing important.
+ could / focus on areas where we detected most regressions.
+ hope is that fixes come with unit tests so we do focus there (Michael)
+ would be good to scrape bugzilla for 'regression' that were fixed
+ identify code in commit & find most regression-prone code.
AI: + create easy-hack to indentify the above (Bjoern)
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66750 done
+ way too few unit-tests for impress (Kendy)
+ contrast with the weekly stats which seem to climb endlessly (Michael M)
+ around 100 of our 'regressions' - needinfo or unconfirmed (Bjoern)
+ could we review / de-tagging these ?
AI: + QA team can prioritise that (Robinson)
+ Link that has regressions introduced in recent minor releases (Michael S)
+ be good to look into these specifically
* Bundled extensions (Stephan)
+ one left - presentation minimizer
+ de-extensionalizing by David O planned
+ one instdir/ issue - bundled extensions don't show up
+ lots of --enable-ext-whatever foo in configure, that bundle extn's
we hardly ever build, if we get rid of them, we avoid needing to fix
instdir to not include them.
+ distro-configs for TDF builds, include wikipublisher, nlpsolver
+ do we want to have those ?
+ we need the nlpsolver (Kohei)
+ is it built locally - or is it a tarball (Stephan)
+ external pkg, but built locally (Kohei)
+ thought there was an UNO wrapper for it.
+ could we add it to the list of things to de-extensionalise ? (Stephan)
+ we need it.
+ could we just advertise that instdir doesn't work for some esoteric
bundled extensions ? (Michael)
+ will want installsets from instdir/ eventually anyway (Stephan)
+ need to take care of them first
+ disable wikipublisher for now ? (Stephan)
+ problems around packaging it if it's outside (Bjoern)
* QA update (Robinson)
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
+168 -130 (+38 overall)
many thanks to the top seven bug squashers:
Samuel M. 16
Joel Madero 8
Cor Nouws 8
Urmas 7
Jorendc 6
ign_christian 6
Thomas Arnhold 6
+ bug count increasing.
+ build-bots are down, not seeing daily builds (Robinson)
+ problems building master on release config - should be solved this week. (Cloph)
+ planned, windows & linux bibisect repos - what is the timeline ? (Robinson)
+ few weeks to a month out (Cloph)
+ Canonical bibisect repo is updated - since October 4th (Bjoern)
+ also started personal build of that, we have 2x of these running & updating
+ pleased by daily builds of android remote.
+ what daily builds do we consider to be important infrastructure ?
+ New Mac hardware on-order, and Cloph setting up.
+ should have dailys back soon.
+ proposed bugzilla migration, needs co-ordination with Tollef
+ what's the status / communication going on ?
+ Thorsten was poking him (Bjoern)
+ status is: it is possible, but not started yet ...
+ need to setup board / funding for it
+ want to plan it for late Q1 2014
+ when last discussed - Tollef mentioned having time in November
AI: + draw the threads together & propose funding to the board (Robinson)
* Development page cleanup (Bjoern)
+ call for action: cleanup your old wiki pages !
+ try killing ooo-build wrapper mentions etc.
+ all dev pages with > 1000 hits:
+ hope is by leading here we can encourage others to clean up their mess too.
* QA stats:
* Open 4.2 MAB
+ 6/13 4/10 2/8 1/6 1/6 2/6 5/6 5/6 6/6 7/7 2/2 2/2 1/1
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65675
* Open 4.1 MAB
+ 18/100 17/99 15/96 14/93 12/91 14/91 17/89 15/85 15/81 13/77 8/68
18% 17% 16% 15% 13% 15% 19% 18% 19% 17% 12%
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=60270&hide_resolved=1
* Open 4.0 MAB
+ 56/198 58/198 56/195 54/193 55/194 52/183 50/180 52/180 44/171
29% 29% 29% 28% 29% 28% 28% 29% 26%
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=54157&hide_resolved=1
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
+ 36/144 35/143 34/142 34/141 34/140 35/140 36/167 37/137 41/137 33/128 33/125 34/124
+ http://bit.ly/VQfF3Q
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
+ 384(+3) bugs open of 2070(+20) total
* ~Component count net *
Writer - 110 (+3)
Spreadsheet - 54 (+1)
Libreoffice - 47 (+1)
Presentation - 35 (+3)
Crashes - 29 (+1)
Database - 22 (-1)
Borders - 17 (+0)
Drawing - 17 (+0)
BASIC - 4 (+0)
Migration - 3 (+0)
+ http://bit.ly/15mM2Yn - for devs ( no NEEDINFO / UNCONFIRMED )
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=regression%2C%20&keywords_type=allwords&resolution=---&query_format=advanced&product=LibreOffice&list_id=36764
+ Migration: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=43489&hide_resolved=1
michael.meeks at collabora.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot
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