.desktop files

Caolán McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Tue Oct 15 15:47:21 CEST 2013

On Mon, 2013-10-14 at 07:31 +0200, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to better understand how .desktop files work. They are in
> .../sysui/desktop/menus.
> If I read for example writer.desktop I see that the second exec command
> (at the end of the file) use the hard coded name libreoffice when the
> first one use ${UNIXBASISROOTNAME}. Is it intentional ?

caolanm->bjoern: There are multiple Exec lines in the .desktop files now
after b7423ceee1a6b1c5595fbbef6f0ca4417feeddf6

Are the duplicates intentional/necessary (I'm not up to date on
the .desktop format). And if they are, presumably they should follow the
same replaceable naming scheme of UNIXBASISROOTNAME

> Indeed, even after installation of LO (upstream, build at home) I do not have any
> libreoffice command on my system (Ubuntu 13.04)

Did you use --enable-epm && --with-package-format to generate the rpms.
If so then there should have been a libreoffice4.2-freedesktop-menus
rpms and that should have
installed /usr/share/applications/libreoffice4-2.writer.desktop etc
including a /usr/bin/libreoffice4.1 binary. So maybe you have it, except
its a versioned (of the alternative devel-version) name in the stock


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