[PATCH 05/17] XHTML export: convert DOS newlines to Unix newlines
andrew-libreoffice.org at pileofstuff.org
andrew-libreoffice.org at pileofstuff.org
Thu Aug 14 14:53:45 PDT 2014
From: Andrew Sayers <andrew-libreoffice.org at pileofstuff.org>
.../source/xslt/odf2xhtml/export/common/body.xsl | 798 ++++++++++-----------
.../export/common/styles/style_mapping_css.xsl | 666 ++++++++---------
2 files changed, 732 insertions(+), 732 deletions(-)
diff --git filter/source/xslt/odf2xhtml/export/common/body.xsl filter/source/xslt/odf2xhtml/export/common/body.xsl
index b2cc5d0..facc174 100644
--- filter/source/xslt/odf2xhtml/export/common/body.xsl
+++ filter/source/xslt/odf2xhtml/export/common/body.xsl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- For further documentation and updates visit http://xml.openoffice.org/odf2xhtml
+ For further documentation and updates visit http://xml.openoffice.org/odf2xhtml
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
@@ -47,402 +47,402 @@
- exclude-result-prefixes="chart config dc dom dr3d draw fo form math meta number office ooo oooc ooow script style svg table text xforms xlink xsd xsi java urlencoder">
- <xsl:include href="table_of_content.xsl"/>
- <!-- ****************** -->
- <!-- *** Whitespace *** -->
- <!-- ****************** -->
- <xsl:template match="text:s">
- <xsl:call-template name="write-breakable-whitespace">
- <xsl:with-param name="whitespaces" select="@text:c"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:template>
- <!--write the number of 'whitespaces' -->
- <xsl:template name="write-breakable-whitespace">
- <xsl:param name="whitespaces"/>
- <!--write two space chars as the normal white space character will be stripped
- and the other is able to break -->
- <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
- <xsl:if test="$whitespaces >= 2">
- <xsl:call-template name="write-breakable-whitespace-2">
- <xsl:with-param name="whitespaces" select="$whitespaces - 1"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:template>
- <!--write the number of 'whitespaces' -->
- <xsl:template name="write-breakable-whitespace-2">
- <xsl:param name="whitespaces"/>
- <!--write two space chars as the normal white space character will be stripped
- and the other is able to break -->
- <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
- <xsl:if test="$whitespaces >= 2">
- <xsl:call-template name="write-breakable-whitespace">
- <xsl:with-param name="whitespaces" select="$whitespaces - 1"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- currentSolution: 8 non-breakable-spaces instead of a TAB is an approximation.
- Sometimes less spaces than 8 might be needed and the output might be more difficult to read-->
- <xsl:template match="text:tab">
- <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
- <xsl:call-template name="write-breakable-whitespace">
- <xsl:with-param name="whitespaces" select="8"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- *************** -->
- <!-- *** Textbox *** -->
- <!-- *************** -->
- <!-- ID / NAME of text-box -->
- <xsl:template match="@draw:name">
- <xsl:attribute name="id">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="number(substring(.,1,1))">
- <!-- Heuristic: If the first character is a number a 'a_' will be set
- as prefix, as id have to be of type NMTOKEN -->
- <xsl:value-of select="concat('a_',translate(., '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________'))"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="translate(., '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________')"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="text:line-break">
- <xsl:param name="listIndent"/>
- <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="br"/>
- <!-- line breaks in lists need an indent similar to the list label -->
- <xsl:if test="$listIndent">
- <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="span">
- <xsl:attribute name="style">margin-left:<xsl:value-of select="$listIndent"/>cm</xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- currently there have to be an explicit call of the style attribute nodes, maybe the attributes nodes have no priority only order relevant-->
- <xsl:template name="apply-styles-and-content">
- <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
- <xsl:param name="footnotePrefix" />
- <xsl:apply-templates select="@*">
- <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- <!-- the footnote symbol is the prefix for a footnote in the footer -->
- <xsl:copy-of select="$footnotePrefix"/>
- <xsl:apply-templates select="node()">
- <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- ******************* -->
- <!-- *** References *** -->
- <!-- ******************* -->
- <xsl:template match="text:reference-ref | text:sequence-ref | text:bookmark-ref">
- <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
- <xsl:if test="*|text()">
- <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="a">
- <xsl:attribute name="href">
- <xsl:text>#</xsl:text>
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="number(substring(@text:ref-name,1,1))">
- <!-- Heuristic: If the first character is a number a 'a_' will be set
- as prefix, as id have to be of type NMTOKEN -->
- <xsl:value-of select="concat('a_',translate(@text:ref-name, '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________'))"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="translate(@text:ref-name, '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________')"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:attribute>
- <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()">
- <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@text:name">
- <xsl:attribute name="id">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="number(substring(.,1,1))">
- <!-- Heuristic: If the first character is a number a 'a_' will be set
- as prefix, as id have to be of type NMTOKEN -->
- <xsl:value-of select="concat('a_',translate(., '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________'))"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="translate(., '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________')"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="text:sequence">
- <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
- <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="a">
- <xsl:apply-templates select="@*" />
- <xsl:attribute name="id">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="number(substring(@text:ref-name,1,1))">
- <!-- Heuristic: If the first character is a number a 'a_' will be set
- as prefix, as id have to be of type NMTOKEN -->
- <xsl:value-of select="concat('a_',translate(@text:ref-name, '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________'))"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="translate(@text:ref-name, '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________')"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:element>
- <xsl:apply-templates>
- <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="text:reference-mark">
- <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
- <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="a">
- <xsl:apply-templates select="@*" />
- <xsl:attribute name="id">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="number(substring(@text:name,1,1))">
- <!-- Heuristic: If the first character is a number a 'a_' will be set
- as prefix, as id have to be of type NMTOKEN -->
- <xsl:value-of select="concat('a_',translate(@text:name, '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________'))"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="translate(@text:name, '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________')"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:element>
- <xsl:apply-templates>
- <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="text:reference-mark-start">
- <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
- <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="a">
- <xsl:apply-templates select="@*" />
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="text:bibliography-mark">
- <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
- <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="a">
- <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()">
- <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- @text:title exist only in text:bibliography-mark -->
- <xsl:template match="@text:title">
- <xsl:attribute name="title">
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- @text:url exist only in text:bibliography-mark -->
- <xsl:template match="@text:url">
- <xsl:attribute name="href">
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- </xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="text:user-defined">
- <xsl:apply-templates/>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="office:annotation">
- <xsl:element name="span">
- <xsl:attribute name="title">annotation</xsl:attribute>
- <xsl:attribute name="class">annotation_style_by_filter</xsl:attribute>
- <xsl:apply-templates select="@*" />
- <br/>
- <xsl:text>[ANNOTATION:</xsl:text>
- <br/>
- <xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="annotation"/>
- <xsl:text>]</xsl:text>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="text:p" mode="annotation">
- <br/>
- <xsl:element name="span">
- <xsl:text>NOTE: '</xsl:text>
- <xsl:apply-templates />
- <xsl:text>'</xsl:text>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="dc:creator" mode="annotation">
- <br/>
- <xsl:element name="span">
- <xsl:attribute name="title">dc:creator</xsl:attribute>
- <xsl:text>BY '</xsl:text>
- <xsl:apply-templates />
- <xsl:text>'</xsl:text>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="dc:date" mode="annotation">
- <br/>
- <xsl:element name="span">
- <xsl:attribute name="title">dc:date</xsl:attribute>
- <xsl:text>ON '</xsl:text>
- <xsl:apply-templates />
- <xsl:text>'</xsl:text>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="meta:date-string" mode="annotation">
- <br/>
- <xsl:element name="span">
- <xsl:attribute name="title">meta-date-string</xsl:attribute>
- <xsl:text>META DATE '</xsl:text>
- <xsl:apply-templates />
- <xsl:text>'</xsl:text>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- *************** -->
- <!-- *** HELPER *** -->
- <!-- *************** -->
- <xsl:template name="create-href">
- <xsl:param name="href"/>
- <xsl:choose>
- <!-- internal OOo URL used in content tables -->
- <xsl:when test="contains($href, '%7Coutline') or contains($href, '|outline')">
- <!-- the simple workaround for content tables in a single document is to create create an anchor from every heading element
- work-around downside: Multiple identical headings won't refer always to the first.
- -->
- <xsl:text>#</xsl:text>
- <xsl:variable name="title">
- <xsl:apply-templates mode="concatenate"/>
- </xsl:variable>
- <xsl:value-of select="concat('a_', translate(normalize-space($title), '.,;: %()[]/\+', '_____________'))"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:when test="self::draw:image[office:binary-data]">
- <xsl:text>data:image/*;base64,</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="office:binary-data"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:choose>
- <!-- in case of packed open office document -->
- <xsl:when test="starts-with($sourceBaseURL, 'jar:') or $isPackageFormat">
- <xsl:choose>
- <!-- for images relative to open office document -->
- <xsl:when test="starts-with($href, '../')">
- <!-- creating an absolute http URL to the packed image file (removing the '.')-->
- <xsl:value-of select="concat(substring-after(substring-before($sourceBaseURL, '!'), 'jar:'), '/', $href, $optionalURLSuffix)"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <!-- for absolute URLs & absolute paths -->
- <xsl:when test="contains($href, ':') or starts-with($href, '/')">
- <xsl:value-of select="concat($href, $optionalURLSuffix)"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <!-- for images jared in open office document -->
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="concat($sourceBaseURL, $href, $optionalURLSuffix)"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:choose>
- <!-- for absolute URLs & Paths -->
- <xsl:when test="contains($href, ':') or starts-with($href, '/')">
- <xsl:value-of select="concat($href, $optionalURLSuffix)"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <!-- for relative URLs -->
+ exclude-result-prefixes="chart config dc dom dr3d draw fo form math meta number office ooo oooc ooow script style svg table text xforms xlink xsd xsi java urlencoder">
+ <xsl:include href="table_of_content.xsl"/>
+ <!-- ****************** -->
+ <!-- *** Whitespace *** -->
+ <!-- ****************** -->
+ <xsl:template match="text:s">
+ <xsl:call-template name="write-breakable-whitespace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="whitespaces" select="@text:c"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!--write the number of 'whitespaces' -->
+ <xsl:template name="write-breakable-whitespace">
+ <xsl:param name="whitespaces"/>
+ <!--write two space chars as the normal white space character will be stripped
+ and the other is able to break -->
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:if test="$whitespaces >= 2">
+ <xsl:call-template name="write-breakable-whitespace-2">
+ <xsl:with-param name="whitespaces" select="$whitespaces - 1"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!--write the number of 'whitespaces' -->
+ <xsl:template name="write-breakable-whitespace-2">
+ <xsl:param name="whitespaces"/>
+ <!--write two space chars as the normal white space character will be stripped
+ and the other is able to break -->
+ <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:if test="$whitespaces >= 2">
+ <xsl:call-template name="write-breakable-whitespace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="whitespaces" select="$whitespaces - 1"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- currentSolution: 8 non-breakable-spaces instead of a TAB is an approximation.
+ Sometimes less spaces than 8 might be needed and the output might be more difficult to read-->
+ <xsl:template match="text:tab">
+ <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
+ <xsl:call-template name="write-breakable-whitespace">
+ <xsl:with-param name="whitespaces" select="8"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- *************** -->
+ <!-- *** Textbox *** -->
+ <!-- *************** -->
+ <!-- ID / NAME of text-box -->
+ <xsl:template match="@draw:name">
+ <xsl:attribute name="id">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="number(substring(.,1,1))">
+ <!-- Heuristic: If the first character is a number a 'a_' will be set
+ as prefix, as id have to be of type NMTOKEN -->
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('a_',translate(., '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________'))"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="translate(., '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________')"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="text:line-break">
+ <xsl:param name="listIndent"/>
+ <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="br"/>
+ <!-- line breaks in lists need an indent similar to the list label -->
+ <xsl:if test="$listIndent">
+ <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="span">
+ <xsl:attribute name="style">margin-left:<xsl:value-of select="$listIndent"/>cm</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- currently there have to be an explicit call of the style attribute nodes, maybe the attributes nodes have no priority only order relevant-->
+ <xsl:template name="apply-styles-and-content">
+ <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
+ <xsl:param name="footnotePrefix" />
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*">
+ <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ <!-- the footnote symbol is the prefix for a footnote in the footer -->
+ <xsl:copy-of select="$footnotePrefix"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="node()">
+ <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- ******************* -->
+ <!-- *** References *** -->
+ <!-- ******************* -->
+ <xsl:template match="text:reference-ref | text:sequence-ref | text:bookmark-ref">
+ <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
+ <xsl:if test="*|text()">
+ <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="a">
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:text>#</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="number(substring(@text:ref-name,1,1))">
+ <!-- Heuristic: If the first character is a number a 'a_' will be set
+ as prefix, as id have to be of type NMTOKEN -->
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('a_',translate(@text:ref-name, '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________'))"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="translate(@text:ref-name, '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________')"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()">
+ <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@text:name">
+ <xsl:attribute name="id">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="number(substring(.,1,1))">
+ <!-- Heuristic: If the first character is a number a 'a_' will be set
+ as prefix, as id have to be of type NMTOKEN -->
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('a_',translate(., '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________'))"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="translate(., '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________')"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="text:sequence">
+ <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
+ <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="a">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*" />
+ <xsl:attribute name="id">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="number(substring(@text:ref-name,1,1))">
+ <!-- Heuristic: If the first character is a number a 'a_' will be set
+ as prefix, as id have to be of type NMTOKEN -->
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('a_',translate(@text:ref-name, '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________'))"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="translate(@text:ref-name, '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________')"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:element>
+ <xsl:apply-templates>
+ <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="text:reference-mark">
+ <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
+ <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="a">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*" />
+ <xsl:attribute name="id">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="number(substring(@text:name,1,1))">
+ <!-- Heuristic: If the first character is a number a 'a_' will be set
+ as prefix, as id have to be of type NMTOKEN -->
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('a_',translate(@text:name, '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________'))"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="translate(@text:name, '
&<>.,;: %()[]/\+', '___________________________')"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:element>
+ <xsl:apply-templates>
+ <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="text:reference-mark-start">
+ <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
+ <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="a">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*" />
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="text:bibliography-mark">
+ <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
+ <xsl:element namespace="{$namespace}" name="a">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()">
+ <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- @text:title exist only in text:bibliography-mark -->
+ <xsl:template match="@text:title">
+ <xsl:attribute name="title">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- @text:url exist only in text:bibliography-mark -->
+ <xsl:template match="@text:url">
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="text:user-defined">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="office:annotation">
+ <xsl:element name="span">
+ <xsl:attribute name="title">annotation</xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">annotation_style_by_filter</xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*" />
+ <br/>
+ <xsl:text>[ANNOTATION:</xsl:text>
+ <br/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="*" mode="annotation"/>
+ <xsl:text>]</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="text:p" mode="annotation">
+ <br/>
+ <xsl:element name="span">
+ <xsl:text>NOTE: '</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:apply-templates />
+ <xsl:text>'</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="dc:creator" mode="annotation">
+ <br/>
+ <xsl:element name="span">
+ <xsl:attribute name="title">dc:creator</xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:text>BY '</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:apply-templates />
+ <xsl:text>'</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="dc:date" mode="annotation">
+ <br/>
+ <xsl:element name="span">
+ <xsl:attribute name="title">dc:date</xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:text>ON '</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:apply-templates />
+ <xsl:text>'</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="meta:date-string" mode="annotation">
+ <br/>
+ <xsl:element name="span">
+ <xsl:attribute name="title">meta-date-string</xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:text>META DATE '</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:apply-templates />
+ <xsl:text>'</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:element>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- *************** -->
+ <!-- *** HELPER *** -->
+ <!-- *************** -->
+ <xsl:template name="create-href">
+ <xsl:param name="href"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- internal OOo URL used in content tables -->
+ <xsl:when test="contains($href, '%7Coutline') or contains($href, '|outline')">
+ <!-- the simple workaround for content tables in a single document is to create create an anchor from every heading element
+ work-around downside: Multiple identical headings won't refer always to the first.
+ -->
+ <xsl:text>#</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:variable name="title">
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="concatenate"/>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('a_', translate(normalize-space($title), '.,;: %()[]/\+', '_____________'))"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="self::draw:image[office:binary-data]">
+ <xsl:text>data:image/*;base64,</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="office:binary-data"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- in case of packed open office document -->
+ <xsl:when test="starts-with($sourceBaseURL, 'jar:') or $isPackageFormat">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- for images relative to open office document -->
+ <xsl:when test="starts-with($href, '../')">
+ <!-- creating an absolute http URL to the packed image file (removing the '.')-->
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(substring-after(substring-before($sourceBaseURL, '!'), 'jar:'), '/', $href, $optionalURLSuffix)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <!-- for absolute URLs & absolute paths -->
+ <xsl:when test="contains($href, ':') or starts-with($href, '/')">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($href, $optionalURLSuffix)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <!-- for images jared in open office document -->
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($sourceBaseURL, $href, $optionalURLSuffix)"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- for absolute URLs & Paths -->
+ <xsl:when test="contains($href, ':') or starts-with($href, '/')">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($href, $optionalURLSuffix)"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <!-- for relative URLs -->
<xsl:when test="starts-with($href, '#')">
<!-- intra document ref -->
<xsl:value-of select="$href"/>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="concat($sourceBaseURL, $href, $optionalURLSuffix)"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="text()" mode="concatenate">
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="*" mode="concatenate">
- <xsl:apply-templates mode="concatenate"/>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- ******************** -->
- <!-- *** Common Rules *** -->
- <!-- ******************** -->
- <!-- ignore / neglect the following elements -->
- <xsl:template match="draw:custom-shape | draw:g | office:forms | text:alphabetical-index-mark | text:alphabetical-index-mark-end | text:alphabetical-index-mark-start | text:bibliography-source | text:number | text:reference-mark-end | text:sequence-decls | text:soft-page-break | text:table-of-content-source | text:tracked-changes | text:user-field-decls"/>
- <!-- default template used by purpose-->
- <xsl:template match="text:bibliography | text:change-end | text:change-start">
- <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
- <xsl:apply-templates>
- <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- default template for not recognized elements -->
- <xsl:template match="*">
- <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
- <xsl:message>Using default element rule for ODF element '<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>'.</xsl:message>
- <xsl:apply-templates>
- <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@*"/>
- <!-- allowing all matched text nodes -->
- <xsl:template match="text()">
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat($sourceBaseURL, $href, $optionalURLSuffix)"/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="text()" mode="concatenate">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="*" mode="concatenate">
+ <xsl:apply-templates mode="concatenate"/>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- ******************** -->
+ <!-- *** Common Rules *** -->
+ <!-- ******************** -->
+ <!-- ignore / neglect the following elements -->
+ <xsl:template match="draw:custom-shape | draw:g | office:forms | text:alphabetical-index-mark | text:alphabetical-index-mark-end | text:alphabetical-index-mark-start | text:bibliography-source | text:number | text:reference-mark-end | text:sequence-decls | text:soft-page-break | text:table-of-content-source | text:tracked-changes | text:user-field-decls"/>
+ <!-- default template used by purpose-->
+ <xsl:template match="text:bibliography | text:change-end | text:change-start">
+ <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates>
+ <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- default template for not recognized elements -->
+ <xsl:template match="*">
+ <xsl:param name="globalData"/>
+ <xsl:message>Using default element rule for ODF element '<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>'.</xsl:message>
+ <xsl:apply-templates>
+ <xsl:with-param name="globalData" select="$globalData"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@*"/>
+ <!-- allowing all matched text nodes -->
+ <xsl:template match="text()">
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:template>
diff --git filter/source/xslt/odf2xhtml/export/common/styles/style_mapping_css.xsl filter/source/xslt/odf2xhtml/export/common/styles/style_mapping_css.xsl
index d4ffff2..b99a781 100644
--- filter/source/xslt/odf2xhtml/export/common/styles/style_mapping_css.xsl
+++ filter/source/xslt/odf2xhtml/export/common/styles/style_mapping_css.xsl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
@@ -16,76 +16,76 @@
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- For further documentation and updates visit http://xml.openoffice.org/odf2xhtml
-<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:chart="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0" xmlns:config="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:config:1.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dom="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events" xmlns:dr3d="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0" xmlns:draw="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0" xmlns:fo="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0" xmlns:form="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0" xmlns:math="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:meta="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0" xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0" xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" xmlns:ooo="http://openoffice.org/2004/office" xmlns:oooc="http://openoffice.org/2004/calc" xmlns:ooow="http://openoffice.org/2004/writer" xmlns:script="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0" xmlns:style="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0" xmlns:svg="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0" xmlns:table="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0" xmlns:text="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0" xmlns:xforms="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" exclude-result-prefixes="chart config dc dom dr3d draw fo form math meta number office ooo oooc ooow script style svg table text xforms xlink xsd xsi">
- <!-- *** Properties with a 'fo:' prefix *** -->
- <xsl:template match="@fo:background-color">
- <xsl:text>background-color:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@fo:border | @fo:border-top | @fo:border-bottom | @fo:border-left | @fo:border-right">
- <xsl:variable name="borderType" select="substring-after(name(), ':')"/>
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test=". = 'none'">
- <xsl:value-of select="$borderType"/>
- <xsl:text>-style:none; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:variable name="borderWidth" select="substring-before(., ' ')"/>
- <xsl:variable name="borderStyle" select="substring-before(substring-after(., ' '), ' ')"/>
- <xsl:variable name="borderColor" select="substring-after(substring-after(., ' '), ' ')"/>
- <!-- More information at template 'round-up-border-width' -->
- <xsl:variable name="borderWidthFixed">
- <xsl:call-template name="round-up-border-width">
- <xsl:with-param name="borderWidth" select="$borderWidth"/>
- <xsl:with-param name="multiplier">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="$borderStyle = 'double'">3</xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>1</xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:with-param>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:variable>
- <xsl:value-of select="$borderType"/>
- <xsl:text>-width:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="$borderWidth = '0.05pt'">thin</xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="$borderWidthFixed"/></xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="$borderType"/>
- <xsl:text>-style:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="$borderStyle"/>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="$borderType"/>
- <xsl:text>-color:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="$borderColor"/>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- NOTE: Still there have to be placed a <br clear='all' /> to disable the flow!!!!-->
- <xsl:template match="@fo:clear">
- <xsl:text>clear:both; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- text-shadow is a CSS2 feature and yet not common used in user-agents -->
+ For further documentation and updates visit http://xml.openoffice.org/odf2xhtml
+<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:chart="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0" xmlns:config="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:config:1.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:dom="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events" xmlns:dr3d="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0" xmlns:draw="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0" xmlns:fo="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0" xmlns:form="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0" xmlns:math="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:meta="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0" xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0" xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" xmlns:ooo="http://openoffice.org/2004/office" xmlns:oooc="http://openoffice.org/2004/calc" xmlns:ooow="http://openoffice.org/2004/writer" xmlns:script="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0" xmlns:style="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0" xmlns:svg="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0" xmlns:table="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0" xmlns:text="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0" xmlns:xforms="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" exclude-result-prefixes="chart config dc dom dr3d draw fo form math meta number office ooo oooc ooow script style svg table text xforms xlink xsd xsi">
+ <!-- *** Properties with a 'fo:' prefix *** -->
+ <xsl:template match="@fo:background-color">
+ <xsl:text>background-color:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@fo:border | @fo:border-top | @fo:border-bottom | @fo:border-left | @fo:border-right">
+ <xsl:variable name="borderType" select="substring-after(name(), ':')"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test=". = 'none'">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$borderType"/>
+ <xsl:text>-style:none; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:variable name="borderWidth" select="substring-before(., ' ')"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="borderStyle" select="substring-before(substring-after(., ' '), ' ')"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="borderColor" select="substring-after(substring-after(., ' '), ' ')"/>
+ <!-- More information at template 'round-up-border-width' -->
+ <xsl:variable name="borderWidthFixed">
+ <xsl:call-template name="round-up-border-width">
+ <xsl:with-param name="borderWidth" select="$borderWidth"/>
+ <xsl:with-param name="multiplier">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$borderStyle = 'double'">3</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>1</xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:with-param>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$borderType"/>
+ <xsl:text>-width:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="$borderWidth = '0.05pt'">thin</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="$borderWidthFixed"/></xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$borderType"/>
+ <xsl:text>-style:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$borderStyle"/>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$borderType"/>
+ <xsl:text>-color:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$borderColor"/>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- NOTE: Still there have to be placed a <br clear='all' /> to disable the flow!!!!-->
+ <xsl:template match="@fo:clear">
+ <xsl:text>clear:both; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- text-shadow is a CSS2 feature and yet not common used in user-agents -->
<xsl:template match="@fo:color |@svg:font-family |@fo:font-size |@fo:font-style |@fo:font-weight |@fo:text-indent |@fo:text-shadow |@text:display">
- <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(name(), ':')"/>
- <xsl:text>:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(name(), ':')"/>
+ <xsl:text>:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
<!-- workaround AOOO#119401 suspicious property fo:margin="100%" in paragraph style -->
<xsl:template match="@fo:margin[string(.) = '100%']"/>
@@ -93,266 +93,266 @@
<!-- Maps fo:padding as well fo:padding-top, fo:padding-bottom, fo:padding-left, fo:padding-right -->
<xsl:template match="@fo:letter-spacing | @fo:line-height | @fo:width |@fo:margin | @fo:margin-top | @fo:margin-bottom | @fo:margin-left | @fo:margin-right | @fo:padding | @fo:padding-top | @fo:padding-bottom | @fo:padding-left | @fo:padding-right">
<xsl:value-of select="local-name(.)"/>
- <xsl:text>:</xsl:text>
- <!-- Map once erroneusly used inch shortage 'inch' to CSS shortage 'in' -->
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="contains(., 'inch')">
- <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(.,'ch')"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@fo:text-align">
- <!-- 'important' is necessary as table cell value alignment is decided by runtime over the valuetype
- Otherwise a table cell style-class would always be outnumbered by the run-time alignment value -->
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="contains(., 'start')">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="parent::*/@style:writing-mode and contains(parent::*/@style:writing-mode, 'rl')">
- <xsl:text>text-align:right ! important; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:text>text-align:left ! important; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:when test="contains(., 'end')">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="parent::*/@style:writing-mode and contains(parent::*/@style:writing-mode, 'rl')">
- <xsl:text>text-align:left ! important;</xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:text>text-align:right ! important; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:text>text-align:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- <xsl:text> ! important; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@style:vertical-align">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="contains(., 'bottom')">
- <xsl:text>vertical-align:bottom; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:when test="contains(., 'middle')">
- <xsl:text>vertical-align:middle; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:text>vertical-align:top; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
-<!-- *** Properties with a 'style:' prefix *** -->
- <!-- NOTE: Can 'inside' | 'from-inside' better be handled:
- <!ATTLIST * style:horizontal-pos (from-left|left|center|right|from-inside|inside|outside)#IMPLIED>-->
- <xsl:template match="@style:horizontal-pos">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test=".='left'">
- <xsl:text>text-align:left; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:when test=". = 'right'">
- <xsl:text>text-align:right; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:when test=".='center'">
- <xsl:text>text-align:center; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <!-- NOTE: currently other values are not used.
- If the property value is from-left or from-inside,
- the svg:x attribute associated with the frame element specifies
- the horizontal position of the frame.
- Otherwise the svg:x attribute is ignored for text documents.
- -->
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@style:column-width">
- <xsl:text>width:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:choose>
- <!-- changing the distance measure: inch to in -->
- <xsl:when test="contains(., 'inch')">
- <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(.,'ch')"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@style:text-underline-style">
- <xsl:text>text-decoration:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:choose>
- <!-- changing the distance measure: inch to in -->
- <xsl:when test=".='none'">
- <xsl:text>none ! important</xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:text>underline</xsl:text>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@style:font-name">
- <xsl:param name="globalData" />
- <xsl:text>font-family:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:variable name="content" select="."/>
- <xsl:variable name="quote">'</xsl:variable>
- <xsl:variable name="fontName" select="$globalData/office:font-face-decls/style:font-face[@style:name=$content]/@svg:font-family" />
- <xsl:value-of select="translate($fontName, $quote, '')"/>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@style:row-height">
- <xsl:text>height:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:choose>
- <!-- changing the distance measure: inch to in -->
- <xsl:when test="contains(., 'inch')">
- <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(.,'ch')"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@svg:strikethrough-position">
- <xsl:if test="not(.='none')">
- <xsl:text>text-decoration:line-through; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@style:text-position">
- <xsl:if test="contains(., 'sub')">
- <xsl:text>vertical-align:sub; </xsl:text>
- <xsl:if test="contains(., '%')">
- <xsl:text>font-size:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(., 'sub ')"/>
- <xsl:text>;</xsl:text>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:if test="contains(., 'super')">
- <xsl:text>vertical-align:super; </xsl:text>
- <xsl:if test="contains(., '%')">
- <xsl:text>font-size:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(., 'super ')"/>
- <xsl:text>;</xsl:text>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@style:vertical-pos">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test=".='from-top'">
- <xsl:text>vertical-align:top; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:text>vertical-align:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@style:width">
- <xsl:text>width:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:choose>
- <!-- changing the distance measure: inch to in -->
- <xsl:when test="contains(., 'inch')">
- <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(.,'ch')"/>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@style:wrap">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test=".='left'">
- <xsl:text>float:right; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:when test=".='right'">
- <xsl:text>float:left; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="@style:writing-mode">
- <xsl:text>writing-mode:</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- *** Properties with a no 'fo:' or 'style:' prefix *** -->
- <xsl:template match="@table:align">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test=".='left'">
- <xsl:if test="not(../@fo:margin-left)">margin-left:0px; </xsl:if>
- <xsl:text>margin-right:auto;</xsl:text></xsl:when>
- <xsl:when test=".='right'">
- <xsl:text>margin-left:auto</xsl:text>
- <xsl:if test="not(../@fo:margin-right)">
- ; margin-right: 0px;
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:when test=".='center'">
- margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:text>float:none; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="style:background-image">
- <xsl:text>background-image:url(</xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="@xlink:href"/>
- <xsl:text>); </xsl:text>
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="@style:repeat = 'repeat'">
- <xsl:text>background-repeat:repeat; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:text>background-repeat:no-repeat; </xsl:text>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- Changing border width measure to cm and enlarging border-width to the Mozilla browser(1.7)
- visible minimum width
- - 0.0133cm for solid style
- - 0.0399cm for double style
- as there are three border lines painted -->
- <xsl:template name="round-up-border-width">
- <xsl:param name="borderWidth"/>
- <xsl:param name="multiplier"/>
- <xsl:variable name="borderWidthByCentimeter">
- <xsl:call-template name="convert2cm">
- <xsl:with-param name="value" select="$borderWidth"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:variable>
- <xsl:variable name="minimalBorderWidth" select="0.0133 * $multiplier"/>
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="number($borderWidthByCentimeter) < $minimalBorderWidth">
- <xsl:value-of select="$minimalBorderWidth"/>
- <xsl:text>cm</xsl:text>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="$borderWidthByCentimeter"/>
- <xsl:text>cm</xsl:text>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:text>:</xsl:text>
+ <!-- Map once erroneusly used inch shortage 'inch' to CSS shortage 'in' -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="contains(., 'inch')">
+ <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(.,'ch')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@fo:text-align">
+ <!-- 'important' is necessary as table cell value alignment is decided by runtime over the valuetype
+ Otherwise a table cell style-class would always be outnumbered by the run-time alignment value -->
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="contains(., 'start')">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="parent::*/@style:writing-mode and contains(parent::*/@style:writing-mode, 'rl')">
+ <xsl:text>text-align:right ! important; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>text-align:left ! important; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="contains(., 'end')">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="parent::*/@style:writing-mode and contains(parent::*/@style:writing-mode, 'rl')">
+ <xsl:text>text-align:left ! important;</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>text-align:right ! important; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>text-align:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ <xsl:text> ! important; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@style:vertical-align">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="contains(., 'bottom')">
+ <xsl:text>vertical-align:bottom; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="contains(., 'middle')">
+ <xsl:text>vertical-align:middle; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>vertical-align:top; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
+<!-- *** Properties with a 'style:' prefix *** -->
+ <!-- NOTE: Can 'inside' | 'from-inside' better be handled:
+ <!ATTLIST * style:horizontal-pos (from-left|left|center|right|from-inside|inside|outside)#IMPLIED>-->
+ <xsl:template match="@style:horizontal-pos">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test=".='left'">
+ <xsl:text>text-align:left; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test=". = 'right'">
+ <xsl:text>text-align:right; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test=".='center'">
+ <xsl:text>text-align:center; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <!-- NOTE: currently other values are not used.
+ If the property value is from-left or from-inside,
+ the svg:x attribute associated with the frame element specifies
+ the horizontal position of the frame.
+ Otherwise the svg:x attribute is ignored for text documents.
+ -->
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@style:column-width">
+ <xsl:text>width:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- changing the distance measure: inch to in -->
+ <xsl:when test="contains(., 'inch')">
+ <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(.,'ch')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@style:text-underline-style">
+ <xsl:text>text-decoration:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- changing the distance measure: inch to in -->
+ <xsl:when test=".='none'">
+ <xsl:text>none ! important</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>underline</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@style:font-name">
+ <xsl:param name="globalData" />
+ <xsl:text>font-family:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:variable name="content" select="."/>
+ <xsl:variable name="quote">'</xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:variable name="fontName" select="$globalData/office:font-face-decls/style:font-face[@style:name=$content]/@svg:font-family" />
+ <xsl:value-of select="translate($fontName, $quote, '')"/>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@style:row-height">
+ <xsl:text>height:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- changing the distance measure: inch to in -->
+ <xsl:when test="contains(., 'inch')">
+ <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(.,'ch')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@svg:strikethrough-position">
+ <xsl:if test="not(.='none')">
+ <xsl:text>text-decoration:line-through; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@style:text-position">
+ <xsl:if test="contains(., 'sub')">
+ <xsl:text>vertical-align:sub; </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:if test="contains(., '%')">
+ <xsl:text>font-size:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(., 'sub ')"/>
+ <xsl:text>;</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:if test="contains(., 'super')">
+ <xsl:text>vertical-align:super; </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:if test="contains(., '%')">
+ <xsl:text>font-size:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(., 'super ')"/>
+ <xsl:text>;</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@style:vertical-pos">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test=".='from-top'">
+ <xsl:text>vertical-align:top; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>vertical-align:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@style:width">
+ <xsl:text>width:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <!-- changing the distance measure: inch to in -->
+ <xsl:when test="contains(., 'inch')">
+ <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(.,'ch')"/>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@style:wrap">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test=".='left'">
+ <xsl:text>float:right; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test=".='right'">
+ <xsl:text>float:left; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@style:writing-mode">
+ <xsl:text>writing-mode:</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="."/>
+ <xsl:text>; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- *** Properties with a no 'fo:' or 'style:' prefix *** -->
+ <xsl:template match="@table:align">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test=".='left'">
+ <xsl:if test="not(../@fo:margin-left)">margin-left:0px; </xsl:if>
+ <xsl:text>margin-right:auto;</xsl:text></xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test=".='right'">
+ <xsl:text>margin-left:auto</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:if test="not(../@fo:margin-right)">
+ ; margin-right: 0px;
+ </xsl:if>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test=".='center'">
+ margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>float:none; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="style:background-image">
+ <xsl:text>background-image:url(</xsl:text>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@xlink:href"/>
+ <xsl:text>); </xsl:text>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="@style:repeat = 'repeat'">
+ <xsl:text>background-repeat:repeat; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:text>background-repeat:no-repeat; </xsl:text>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <!-- Changing border width measure to cm and enlarging border-width to the Mozilla browser(1.7)
+ visible minimum width
+ - 0.0133cm for solid style
+ - 0.0399cm for double style
+ as there are three border lines painted -->
+ <xsl:template name="round-up-border-width">
+ <xsl:param name="borderWidth"/>
+ <xsl:param name="multiplier"/>
+ <xsl:variable name="borderWidthByCentimeter">
+ <xsl:call-template name="convert2cm">
+ <xsl:with-param name="value" select="$borderWidth"/>
+ </xsl:call-template>
+ </xsl:variable>
+ <xsl:variable name="minimalBorderWidth" select="0.0133 * $multiplier"/>
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="number($borderWidthByCentimeter) < $minimalBorderWidth">
+ <xsl:value-of select="$minimalBorderWidth"/>
+ <xsl:text>cm</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$borderWidthByCentimeter"/>
+ <xsl:text>cm</xsl:text>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </xsl:template>
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