About the location of the Help <forbidden word> in dialogs

Caolán McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Fri Aug 29 04:45:08 PDT 2014

On Fri, 2014-08-29 at 06:44 -0300, Olivier Hallot wrote:
> Hi
> The straight question is: is there a rule to place the help <forbidden
> word> in a dialog?
> Some dialogs (most of them actually) have OK-Cancel-Help layout and
> others have Help-OK-Cancel (often seen in Draw).
> Some wizzards have other layouts for the Help <forbidden word>.
> If there is a rule, what is it?
> If not, then what to do? (leave it as is?)#

I've been putting off the button ordering problem. But now that all
resource based dialogs are converted to .ui files we have the capacity
to enable button sorting per-desktop like we do for the message dialogs.

In the meantime, I believe the correct ordering for the current
windows-inspired layout is "ok, cancel, everything-else, help"

i.e. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn742499%

    Present the commit buttons in the following order:
	OK/[Do it]/Yes
	[Don't do it]/No
	Apply (if present)
	Help (if present) 

where [Do it] and [Don't do it] are specific responses to the main

And see
etc for the more complicated mac (and presumably GNOME) ones.

The design team are likely to have an opinion here but I think the
ordering in the .ui files should follow the windows guidelines
consistently and that we should then sort and position the buttons
as .ui load time according to the desktop guidelines, which will turn a

|                   ok, cancel, help|

into a mac

|help                     cancel, ok|


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