Mac OS X 64-bit, libstdc++ vs. libc++

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at
Tue Jan 21 04:10:14 PST 2014

On 01/17/2014 10:02 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> Now, the good news appears to be that "Libc++ is specifically designed
> so that you can use it in the same process as libstdc++."
> [<>]
>   That means that it hopefully works to stick with libstdc++ for LO 4.2
> (and avoid any trouble switching this late in the release schedule),
> switch to libc++ for LO 4.3 say, and expect any native extensions using
> either of the two libraries to work with both flavors of LO.  (And,
> given the assumption that Apple will eventually discontinue the support
> of libstdc++, recommend that native extensions---which there are none
> yet for Mac OS X 64-bit---use libc++.)

So I built an extension (the SDK's examples/cpp/complextoolbarcontrols) 
containing a native UNO component using libc++, and installed that into 
(using libstdc++), and everything works fine.  So I still think we are 
safe to keep LO 4.2.0 at libstdc++ and recommend libc++ for extensions.

Apropos SDK, doing the above made me aware that the SDK for Mac OS X 
64-bit is broken, in that its settings/ assumes building for 
a 32-bit LO. 
"Fix Mac OS X 64 bit SDK" fixes that on master, but it 
depdns on 
"SDK Don't guess PLATFORM/PROCTYPE," which I would feel 
uneasy to backport to libreoffice-4-2-0 at this stage.  (I haven't even 
been able to test that master change on Windows yet.)

Therefore, I would suggest to stay with a broken Mac OS X 64-bit SDK for 
LO 4.2.0 and only backport those fixes to libreoffice-4-2 towards LO 
4.2.1.  Other opinions?


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