Sketches and diagrams in open source software development

Kohei Yoshida kohei.yoshida at
Fri Jan 31 07:43:46 PST 2014

On Thu, 2014-01-30 at 23:09 +0100, Sebastian Baltes wrote:

> I write to this mailing list to ask for hints on where to find sketches
> and diagrams related to the development of LibreOffice (maybe your
> version control system, bug tracking system, or wiki?).

I use and maintain this class diagram

which I manually edit whenever I explore the code base.  But because
this is a very laborious process and I don't see anyone else wanting to
go this far, I'm probably an exception rather than the rule.

I do this partly because the process of drawing a diagram itself helps
me organize my thought on the code base. So, to me the process of
building the diagram is as important as the diagram itself.


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