Quantifying the time overhead of Cygwin make

Michael Stahl mstahl at redhat.com
Tue Jun 10 04:12:28 PDT 2014

On 10/06/14 11:04, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> In the long run we might add our local patches to the native make again, if its
> worth it (maybe?), but that can be done incrementally. Also incrementally, we

maybe they would provide some additional speedup, although i never liked
the built-in cp patch much  :)

well the most important thing for now is that other people can
successfully build with native Win32 make, so we can switch.

> might reduce our dependency on cygwin in general (you are still using it as a
> POSIX environment, are you?) and slowly move to use/be able to use something
> smaller and selfcontained[1] like GnuWin32 or even busybox. Apart from possibly
> simplifying build env setup, its always good to have the build system not to
> depend too hard on one implementation (cygwin).

perhaps using a native Win32 shell would provide some additional
speed-up over Cygwin's bash... as long as it doesn't require another
significant tweak to the quoting in the commands...

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